Anti-Dollar (gold nickname)

Gold has frequently been called the “anti-dollar.” When the dollar is worth less, the price of gold (in dollars) increases. The “anti-dollar” nickname for gold became popular by at least the early 2000s.
Gold has also been called a “barbarous relic,” a “currency of last resort,” a “pet rock” and a “yellow dog.”
28 December 1967, Omaha (NE) World-Herald, “President Expected to Ask Congress for Measures to Protect the Dollar” by Sterling F. Green,  pg. 36, cols. 2-3:
European countries which have pledged their own gold reserves to help the United States fend off the revived anti-dollar gold speculation of the past fortnight have hinted broadly that their future support may depend on sterner American efforts to close its payments deficit.
18 December 2002, Los Angeles (CA) Times, “Dollar Skids as Fears of War Rise,” pg. C4:
“Gold is the anti-dollar trade,” said Robert Sinche, currency strategist at Citibank in New York. 
The Motley Fool
Gold: the Anti-Dollar
By Chris Mallon
April 21, 2004
If you’ve ever listened to die-hard gold investors talk, you’ve heard them say gold is money. That was an accurate statement until the U.S. dollar finally went off the gold standard about 30 years ago. Since then, however, gold has been the anti-money.

Specifically, gold has been the anti-dollar, rising when the dollar falls and falling when the dollar rises, serving primarily as an inflation hedge.
BullionDirect Forum
Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 12:26 am
Gold is still largely trading as a currency, an anti-dollar if you will.
Google Books
Brett Kebble:
The Inside Story

By Barry Sergeant
Cape Town: Zebra Press
Pg. 89:
There were many reasons for the dollar–gold link to manifest in this fashion, not least among them gold bullion’s status as ‘anti-money’. For a number of investors, gold is the anti-dollar, the antithesis of the almighty greenback, which represents (Pg. 90—ed.) the ultimate form of fiat (paper) money.
Gold steadies ahead of Asian open - 12 January 2007
But whether the US government slows its borrowing or not, the supply of gold – famous as the “anti-Dollar” – remains tight.
Google Books
The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide:
Protect Your Savings, Boost Your Income, and Grow Wealthy Even in the Worst of Time

By Martin D. Weiss
Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
Pg. ?:
Instead, it can actually be said that gold is like the “anti-dollar.” Thus,
• If gold soars to the stratosphere, it will probably mean our dollar has sunk into a deep pit.
Zero Hedge
Dis and Dat
Submitted by Bruce Krasting on 10/25/2011 18:17 -0400
Withdrawn Sanction
Tue, 10/25/2011 - 21:06
Now that’s a contrarian position!  Gold’s been the anti-dollar.  What you’re describing is a mssive fligth to safety.