Antique Media

“Antique media” was used in 1995, but was popularized in January 2006 by Thomas Lifson, a writer for and founder of the blog American Thinker. Lifson wrote ” Ask any member of the antique media” on January 19, 2006; his January 24, 2006 article for American Thinker was titled “The Antique Media.” The term has been frequently used on conservative blogs. “Antique media” means media of the past, such as newspapers and major television networks.
Similar terms to “antique media” include “deadstream media,” “dead tree media,” “dinosaur media,” “fringe media,” “lamestream media,” “past tense media” and “vintage media.”
19 December 1995, Washington (DC) Post, “Clicking Through the Pages on the Web‎,” pg. B1:
That’s the kind of thing that surfaces only in antique media like newspapers.
American Thinker
January 19, 2006
The New York Times executive editor writes to me
By Thomas Lifson
There is so much poorly—checked blogger nonsense, out there. Unedited amateurs. Ask any member of the antique media. Many will only want to know what the Times says, and will draw their conclusions based on that Times data alone.
American Thinker
January 24, 2006
The Antique Media
By Thomas Lifson
Internet websites like blogs are an even deeper challenge to the antique media than Fox News Channel was to the antique networks.
The Ringleader
“The Antique Media”
Below is the link to an excellent article called the Antique Media by Thomas Lifson. I think he nails what has occurred to the MSM and what lies in their future.
American Thinker
January 26, 2006
Antique Media Revive Last Year’s Story
By Noel Sheppard
Antique Media
January 30, 2006
Libby’s Defense Goes after Antique Media Reporters
By Clarice Feldman
The Missing Mexican Link: What the Antique Media Are Ignoring About Immigration
By Noel Sheppard | April 12, 2006 | 10:17
Antique Media Continues Descent Towards Extinction as Newspaper Profits Plummet
By Noel Sheppard | April 14, 2006 | 10:53
Let’s all give one collective “Awwwwww” for the newspaper industry that seems destined to go the way of the Dodo bird.
19 August 2006, Modesto (CA) Bee, “‘Antique media’ does have bias,” pg. B6:
I call them the “antique media.” Dan mentioned several old news organizations. The problem is the mainstream media is stuck in the past.
Antique Media Headline of the Day: ‘NY Car Bomb Suspect Cooperates, But Motive Mystery’
His motive is a mystery?
SEPTEMBER 24, 2012
YOO-HOO, ANTIQUE MEDIA: You figured out yet that everything the White House told you about Benghazi was a lie? Including a and the.
Posted by Sarah Hoyt at 5:57 pm
Doug Ross @ Journal
NO INVESTIGATION NECESSARY: 10 Questions President Obama Can Answer Himself
As an aside, wouldn’t it be great if we had a functioning antique media?
Doug Ross @ Journal
Creaky, Partisan, Antique Media Finally Wakes Up: “President Obama has a problem with independents”
And the owners of The New York Times and The Washington Post wonder why their papers are bleeding out?
But that’s why they’re called “vintage media”.