An etymological dictionary

Investigating the origins of American words, names, quotations and phrases.

Billionaire Capital of the World

The "billionaire(s) capital of the world" is the city where the most billionaires live. This is not always New York City, although New York is usually in the top five. Forbes (an American…

“A taco is just a Mexican hot dog”

Tacos have been compared to hot dogs. "It came to me as I was having dinner...tacos are mexican hot dogs" was poste on Twitter by Peter Ohaver on October 23, 2009. "Tacos = A Mexican…

“Taco salad is just lettuce nachos”

Salad (which usually contains lettuce) has been compared to nachos (which contain tortilla chips). The comparison has been frequently made with a taco salad. "Taco salad = nachos with lettuce…