“‘For the greater good’ almost always means ‘this will be bad for you’”

Governments often ask citizens to make individual sacrifices “for the greater good.” American libertarian political activist, entrepreneur, and podcaster Spike Cohen wrote on X/Twitter on May 6, 2021:
“‘For the greater good’ almost always means ‘this will be bad for you.’ And it’s almost always said by someone it will be good for. ‘Greater’ just means them.”
“Never let anyone take away your freedom because of the greater good. Freedom is the greater good” is a related saying.
Wiktionary: greater good
greater good

1. The benefit of the public, of more people than oneself.
for the greater good
Spike Cohen
“For the greater good” almost always means “this will be bad for you”.
And it’s almost always said by someone it will be good for.
“Greater” just means them.
8:25 AM · May 6, 2021
I shudder whenever I hear a lefty politician say ‘for the greater good’
Translation: ‘very good for me, very bad for you’
7:20 PM · Oct 3, 2021
“For the greater good,” means this is going to be bad for you and your family.
12:19 PM · May 11, 2023
“For the greater good” means it is going to be bad for you.
9:03 AM · Sep 15, 2023