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Texas Pea Sheller

Lehman's has sold a "Texas Pea Sheller" since at least 1993. It's not known why Lehman's names the product after Texas. Lehman'sTexas Pea ShellerFinally, an efficient…

Texas Cakewalk (a hanging)

A "Texas cakewalk" is a hanging (maybe because it's so easy in Texas?). The western term isn't used often and is mostly historical. A Writer's Guide to the Old WestTexas…

Harbor District

New York always had a harbor, but "Harbor District" is a name that was proposed in 2006 by the city's Economic Development Corporation to create a "unified identity" for…

Culinary Alley

"Culinary Alley" is a a name proposed by Honi Klein, executive director of the Village Alliance business improvement district, for West Eighth Street between Fifth and Sixth Avenues. The…

Texas Tower (a radar tower)

A "Texas tower" is another name for a radar tower. The name derives from a resemblance to the Texas oil rig towers in the Gulf of Mexico. (Oxford English Dictionary)Texas Tower [so called…

Texas Leaguer (Texas League Hit)

A "Texas Leaguer" or "Texas League hit" is a weak base hit that just barely escapes the infield. The derogatory term dates from the early 1890s, just after the Texas League was…

“Houston’s Hot”

"Houston's Hot" was the slogan when President George Bush held an 1990 Economic Summit in Houston. Some people have stated that some advertising person received a fortune for stating…

“Houston—The Real Texas”

"Houston -- The Real Texas" was a slogan invented by the Greater Houston Convention and Visitors Bureau in 1993. Many parts of Texas claim to be "the real Texas," and this…

BigApple2BigEasy (BABE) car rally

The BABE rally (Big Apple 2 Big Easy) features cheap cars in a race from New York City to New Orleans. The first BABE was in 2006. BABEAbout BABE2007We leave in May! Again!BigApple2BigEasy is a new…

Fried Coke

"Fried Coke" was the creation of Abel Gonzalez, Jr. for the 2006 Texas State Fair. Dallas Morning NewsWhat will State Fair vendors fry next?Concessionaires bubbling with excitement over…

Texas Fruitcake

Texas fruitcake is a specialty of the Collin Street Bakery of Corsicana, Texas. The bakery began in 1896, and its fruitcakes are now popular all around the world. Texas FruitcakeTexas Fruitcake…

Tamalero (tamale vendor)

A tamalero is a tamale vendor. The vendors were popular in Texas in the late 19th century. 24 November 1886, Galveston (TX) Daily News, pg. 1:The tamalero, on receiving what may prove to be his…

“Steers and Queers”

Texas has been called a "land of steers and queers." Sometimes, "beers" is added to that. The "steers and queers" chant has long been a popular Southern Methodist…

Chili Head

Someone who likes chili is called a "chili head." The Chili Appreciation Society (now the Chili Appreciation Society International, or CASI) began in the 1960s, and George Haddaway of…

Tenny Runners (or Tennie Runners)

Tenny (or tennie) runners are tennis shoes. The term is said to be used in Texas, but is also popular in many other states. Dallas SlanguageTenny RunnersA pair of athletic shoes Google Groups:…