Texas Tower (a radar tower)

A “Texas tower” is another name for a radar tower. The name derives from a resemblance to the Texas oil rig towers in the Gulf of Mexico.
(Oxford English Dictionary)
Texas Tower [so called from its resemblance to a Texas oil rig], one of a chain of radar towers built along the eastern coast of the U.S.
1954 Tuscaloosa (Alabama) News 13 Aug. 3 (caption) Here is a closeup of a section of one of the ‘*Texas Towers’..being built offshore along the Atlantic coast. Towers, named for oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico, will be built along the continental shelf.
2 August 1954, Washington Post, “Chain of Radar Warning Stations To Be Built on Towers Off East Coast,” pg. 1:
A chain of offshore radar warning stations, called “Texas towers” after the Gulf of Mexico oil well rigs, will be built along the East coast for $35 million, the Air Force disclosed yesterday.