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Develop Don’t Destroy

"Develop Don't Destroy" was an early (2003) chant of the people who opposed the Nets building a new arena in downtown Brooklyn. It later (2004) became the name of an organization. 22…


The "paralegal" (or "para-legal") is not a lawyer, but helps lawyers as a "para-professional." The term began use in the 1960s. The New York Law Journal is not…

Tree of Hope

The "Tree of Hope" in Harlem stood before the old Lafayette Theatre at Seventh Avenue and 131st Street. Actors who stood beneath it would gain employment. The tree was cut down in 1934 to…

Senior Citizen

"Senior Citizen" was essentially coined in California in the late 1930s. The pensions for "senior citizens" became a political issue on the west coast in 1937 and 1938.…


"Mugwump" burst upon the political scene in the spring of 1884 after being used and explained in the New York Sun. A "mugwump" is a person from one party who supports a…


"G.O.P." (or "GOP") for "Grand Old Party" (the Republican Party) was printed in the Wichita (KS) Weekly Beacon on November 39, 1881. There is some debate about who…