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Jack Heights (Jackson Heights)

"Jack Heights" (meaning "Jackson Heights," in Queens) appeared on a billboard ad in 2007. The billboard mentioned that the area is much cheaper than "Billy Burg"…

SoLa (South Lamar Boulevard, Austin)

"SoLa" is a name for South Lamar Boulevard in Austin. Austin's neighborhood name game began with SoCo for South Congress Avenue. To see where all this may lead, see the New York City…

Texas Three-Kick Rule (lawyer joke)

Texas does not have a "three-kick rule." The internet-popular joke has it that some big-city California (or New York City) lawyer is duck hunting in East Texas, and...well, see below for…

Mexican Banana Split

A "Mexican banana split" is a traditional banana split with Mexican elements added, such as Kahlua sauce and cajeta. "Mexican Banana Split" is on the menu of the Adobo Grill…

Banana Split

The origin of the "banana split" (a dish of bananas, ice cream, and fruit syrup or fruit topping, usually with crushed nuts, whipped cream, and maraschino cherries) is much in debate.…

“Come on Vacation, Leave on Probation”

"Come on vacation, leave on probation" probably started in Florida, but the saying has spread to other vacation towns. In 1986-1987, Fort Lauderdale police arrested many of the disruptive…


"Metrotard" is a type of person whose name is derived from transit's "Metrocard." It's a combination of "metro" (from "metropolitan") and…

Friendly City (Amarillo nickname)

"Friendship" is the motto of Texas, so it's no surprise that Texas towns are friendly. Amarillo called itself "the friendly city" in the 1930s, when it was entertaining…

Tequila Salty Dog (Perro Salado)

A "Salty Dog" is a cocktail of gin (or vodka) and grapefruit juice, served in a glass with a salted rim. A "Tequila Salty Dog" (or "Perro Salado") substitutes tequila…

Salty Dog (cocktail)

A "Salty Dog" is a cocktail of gin (or vodka) and grapefruit juice, served in a glass with a salted rim. It is not known who invented the drink or where, but a 1947 citation of…

Ta-kill-ya (tequila)

"Ta-kill-ya" is one of several nicknames for "tequila." The nickname is said when the tequila is strong. Google BooksMister White Eyesa novel by Herbert GoldNew York: Arbor…

Chupacabra or Chupacabras (goat-sucker)

The "chupacabra" (goat-sucker) was first spotted in Puerto Rico, in the 1970s. Sightings have also been made in Florida and Mexico; from the 1990s, chupacabra sightings have occurred in…

Mixed Bathing (Mixed Swimming)

"Mixed bathing" was a term used in England for both sexes swimming together. In the 1890s, various groups wanted to outlaw "mixed bathing." In the 1920s, there was a strong…

Baptist tea (beer, disguised without foam)

"Baptist tea" is beer that's disguised, served without foam and often in an ice tea glass, often with lemon conspicuously at the top of the glass. This Texas term possibly dates back…