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Texas oil well sayings

Texas has been known for its oil wells, so it's not too surprising that humorous proverbs have developed. 29 April 1954, Lincoln (NE) Star, pg. 4, col. 2:Old Texas SayingOther places have…

Texoma (Texas + Oklahoma)

Texoma is a blend of the names "Texas" and "Oklahoma." Lake Texoma was formed in 1944, but trademarks for the name "Texoma" have been recorded from 1909. Lake…

Mexican Polka (Conjunto)

"Mexican Polka" is another name for the accordian-driven music of conjunto. Polka: History of DancePolkaPolka is defined as a vivacious couple dance of Bohemian origin in duple time; was…

Texodus (Texas Exodus)

"Texodus" is a "Texas exodus." This can mean either an exodus from Texas or to Texas. The term "Texodus" became popular in the fall of 2005, after Hurricane Katrina…

Oklahoma Oysters

An "Oklahoma oyster" is a regional term for a "mountain oyster" or "prairie oyster." The "oysters" are the testicles of an animal. Google BooksYou All Spoken…

Heart Of Texas (H.O.T.)

Many Texas organizational names include "Heart of Texas," with "H.O.T." added. There is no one organization that started all this, except perhaps the song "Deep in the…

Jevver (did you ever)

"Jevver" ("did you ever?") is said to be a part of Texas speech. Indiana's Hoosier poet James Whitcomb Riley used "jevver" as early as the 1890s. Urban…

“Texas, One and Indivisible”

"Texas, One and Indivisible" has appeared on the reverse of the state seal of Texas since 1961. The phrase also appears in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas state flag (signed into…