“How does a rich girl curse?”/“Oh teri Fendi.”
Entry in progress -- B.P. Similar "rich girl" riddles include: “How do you tickle a rich girl?"/"Say ‘Gucci Gucci Gucci!‘““How does a rich girl…
Entry in progress -- B.P. Similar "rich girl" riddles include: “How do you tickle a rich girl?"/"Say ‘Gucci Gucci Gucci!‘““How does a rich girl…
Enty in progress -- B.P. Similar "rich girl" riddles include: “How do you tickle a rich girl?"/"Say ‘Gucci Gucci Gucci!‘““How does a rich girl…
A riddle about Jimmy Choo handmade women's shoes has been printed on images: Q: How does a rich girl sneeze?A: Jimmy Choo!" The joke was posted on Twitter on February 18, 2010. Similar…
An apothecary riddle is: Q: How does an apothecary pleasure his wife?A: Elixir. "Elixir" sounds like "he licks her." "How does the apothecary make his wife Orgasm?…
The New York (NY) Times has a Book Review section, and it has had a weekly best seller list since October 12, 1931. There are many categories. For many people who buy books, it often seems that…
"Around the clock" is used in a chicken pun as "around the cluck." This version was printed on a 1961 newspaper: Pat: "Is raising chickens hard work?"Mike: "It…
An old joke has a new company employee ask an old company employee, "How long have you been working here?" The old employee responds, "Ever since they threatened to fire me."…
An old joke has a new company employee ask an old company employee, "How long have you been working here?" The old employee responds, "Ever since they threatened to fire me."…
An accountant version of the "lightbulb joke" is: Q: How many accountants does it take to change a lightbulb?A: What kind of answer did you have in mind?A: How many did it take last year?…
A introvert version of the lightbulb joke is: Q: How many introverts does it take to change a lightbulb?A: Why does it have to be a group activity? "'How many introverts does it take to…
"How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" is a famous tongue twister. Rob Lowe is an American actor, and Lowe's is an American retail company…
The traditional lightbulb joke has a popular optometrist version that has been printed on many images. The answer -- 1 or 2? -- is a joke on an optometrist changing lenses and asking this question…
A lightbulb joke was posted on Facebook by Eddie Dávila (and others) on April 2, 2015: "'How many people does it take to change a light bulb?' ...is just one of the questions I…
The question "How many people work here?" (meaning "how many employees are there") and the jocular answer "About half" (meaning "half of the employees work and…
"Brazilian" (from Brazil) sounds like a large number (billion + gazillion). Several "Brazilian dollars" jokes involve Brazilian waxing, a bikini waxing style invented by the J.…
A wealth riddle is: Q: How rich are garbage men?A: Filthy. That is, garbage men are "filthy rich." The joke was posted on Reddit -- ShitJokes on November 9, 2017. Reddit -- ShitJokes…
"How to approach me with your bullshit: don't" is a jocular saying that has been printed on many images. The saying was posted on Twitter by 1𝓜 on December 12, 2016, but…
Someone with a slow work day and who is counting the hours might say that it is "only 2 p.m.," but someone with a busy work day might say that it is "already 2 p.m." A popular…
"However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results" is frequently credited to Winston Churchill (1874-1965), but he never said it. The saying first appears from…
"The wife and I exchanged Valentine's Day cards at the store. Then we put them back on the rack...DONE!" is a jocular saying that has been printed on many images. The saying -- in…