“Tremendously Grateful It’s Friday” (TGIF)
"TGIF" usually stands for "Thank God It's Friday," but sometimes -- perhaps to remove "God" from the saying -- it stands for "Tremendously Grateful It's…
"TGIF" usually stands for "Thank God It's Friday," but sometimes -- perhaps to remove "God" from the saying -- it stands for "Tremendously Grateful It's…
Some people get the cards in their wallet mixed up. "I was soooo pissed I went to call a cab from the phone box and put in me donor card instead of me phone card.....cost me an arm and a…
Many businesses "try to make ends meet," but what if it's a chicken business? "This Malkin is a very punny man. He described a poultry farmer as a man just trying to make hens…
Entry in progress -- B.P. TwitterDaily Life Quotes@Life__Quotes“Trust because you are willing to accept the risk, not because it’s safe or certain.” Anonymous #quote4:42 AM - 6 May 2018
"Trust is like a paper. once it's crumpled it can't be perfect again" is a saying that has been printed on many images. "Photo: nostalgicbliss: TRUST is like a paper, once…
"Try and fail, but don't fail to try" is a motivational saying that has been printed on many posters. "Is it not better to try and fail than to fail without trying?" was…
"If you try, you risk failure. If you don’t, you ensure it" is a motivational saying that has been printed on many images. Authorship is unknown. "To try when there is little hope…
"Try Relying Upon Steps and Traditions" is a backronym (back acronym) of the word "trust." This was given under "AACRONYMS" (Alcoholics Anonymous + acronyms) on the…
"Trying to understand the behavior of some people is like trying to smell the color 9" is a saying that has been printed on many images. Colors and numbers have no smell, and there is no…
"Trying to understand the behavior of some people is like trying to smell the color 9" is a saying that has been printed on many images. Colors and numbers have no smell, and there is no…
"Trying to understand the behavior of some people is like trying to smell the color 9" is a saying that has been printed on many images. Colors and numbers have no smell, and there is no…
"Trying to understand the behavior of some people is like trying to smell the color 9" is a saying that has been printed on many images. Colors and numbers have no smell, and there is no…
Monday is the start of the work week and is often a hated day. Tuesday is often disliked as well. "Tuesday is just Monday's ugly sister" is a one-line saying that has been printed on…
"Tuesday isn't so bad. It's a sign that I've/you've somehow survived Monday" is a Tuesday saying that has been printed on several images. Monday is a normal start of…
"Tuesday, also known as Monday II. Coffee, please" is a coffee saying that has been printed on many images. Monday is the traditional start of the work week, and is disliked by many…
"With poor graphics and no plot, TurboTax is the worst video game I have ever played" is a jocular saying that has been printed on an ecard. TurboTax is an American tax preparation…
"With poor graphics and no plot, TurboTax is the worst video game I have ever played" is a jocular saying that has been printed on an ecard. TurboTax is an American tax preparation…
"Turn your worry into worship and watch God turn your battles into blessings" is a saying that has been printed on many images. "Turn your worry into worship and watch Him turn your…
Many people say that they're not a "morning person," meaning that they don't function well in the morning. "Turns out I'm not an afternoon person, either" is a…
"Two incomes are better than one so make sure your partner has two jobs. Follow me for more financial freedom advice" is a jocular saying that has been printed on many images. "Two…