“Country as cornbread” (“Country as corn bread”)
“Country as cornbread” (or “country as corn bread") means something that is genuinely country. The expression "country as cornbread" has been cited in print since at least…
“Country as cornbread” (or “country as corn bread") means something that is genuinely country. The expression "country as cornbread" has been cited in print since at least…
General Mills introduced the product "Country Corn Flakes" in 1962. A list of "Southern Sayings" became popular on the Internet in 2000 and #9 was: "He's as country as…
"Courtesy, Service, Protection" is the motto of the Texas Department of Public Safety. The DPS website states that the DPS was created in 1935, but the motto is cited in print being used…
"Cowboy Up" became familiar to many in the East when Boston Red Sox first baseman Kevin Millar (who played college baseball at Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas) used it as the rallying…
"Real cowboys don't take baths -- they just dust off" is a jocular saying that has been printed on many posters. The line has been printed on many wall decorations for boys'…
"Cowboys don’t roll joints. They tumble weed" is a joke that was posted on Twitter by The Pun Gents on September 28, 2010. The joke was reposted on Twitter by The Pun Gents on March 10,…
Cowboys say "yeehaw." "Cowboys go 'Yee-Haw!' Ninjas go 'Hi-Ya!'" was posted on Twitter by JoeBriscoe on November 14, 2011. "Just realized cowboys go yee…
"Cowboys: Scrape shit from boots before entering” is a jocular sign that has been printed on many images. "And the beer-drinking crowd at the Frontier Bar -- a place festooned in cattle…
"Cowgirls rule!" appears frequently on T-shirts for girls, especially young girls. This saying is seemingly taken from the earlier and slightly longer "Girls rule, boys drool"…
"Crazy as a peach orchard boar" (also "madder than a peach orchard boar") is a Southern expression used in Texas and elsewhere. Its exact origin and meaning remains unknown, but…
"Cry calf rope" (or "holler calf rope" or "yell calf rope") means the same as "cry uncle" -- an admission of defeat. It comes from the phrase that if you…
"Cultivated mind is the guardian genius of Democracy" was in Texas President Mirabeau B. Lamar's first address to the Texas Congress. The words are the motto of the University of…
"Dance with the one that brung you" was a favorite expression of University of Texas football coach Darrell Royal. In sports, it means to go with the players and plays that result in…
The Big Red soft drink started in Waco, Texas, as "Sun Tang Red Cream Soda" in 1937. Since 2011, Big Red has used the slogan "Deliciously Different." Vernors ginger ale,…
"Did you know the Missouri Pacific Railroad is mentioned in the Bible?" is the start of an old railroad joke. "MoPac" service was so slow that people told jokes about it.…
"What's the difference between between a dead lawyer in the road and a dead armadillo in the road? The armadillo has skid marks in front of it!" This "lawyer joke" has been…
"Does the flap of a butterfly's wings in Brazil set off a tornado in Texas?" was the title of a 1972 speech by Edward Norton Lorenz (1917-2008) before the American Academy for the…
"Don't California my Texas" is a saying that has been printed on many images. California is a blue state (Democrat) and Texas is mostly a red state (Republican). The message is that…
"Don't call him a cowboy till you've seen him ride" means the same as "don't judge a book by its cover." The phrase "Don't call him a cowboy" was…
"Don't Canada my America/Florida/Texas" is a saying that has been printed on several images. Canada has many socialist programs, while states like Florida and Texas have been…