“Strike the next question” (Texas lawyer joke)

A dumb lawyer, on the verge of asking a stupid question, interrupted himself and said: “Your Honor, I’d like to strike the next question.”
There’s nothing particularly Texan about this joke (on internet joke lists since at least 1996), but the joke always starts: “A Texas attorney…” Is it because those Texans down South are a bit stupid?
Lawyer’s Joke Corner
A Texas attorney, realizing he was on the verge of unleashing a stupid question, interrupted himself and said, “Your Honor, I’d like to strike the next question.”
Google Groups: bit.listserv.travel-l 
Newsgroups: bit.listserv.travel-l
From: Joel Schnitzer .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Date: 1996/05/02
Subject: FW: For fun! 
A Texas attorney, realizing he was on the verge of unleashing a stupid question, interrupted himself and said, “Your Honor, I’d like to strike the next question.”
Google Groups: alt.support.dystonia
Newsgroups: alt.support.dystonia
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (Gene)
Date: 1997/10/22
Subject: Re: HUMOR
A Texas attorney, realizing he was on the verge of unleashing a stupid question, interrupted himself and said, “Your Honor, I’d like to strike the next question.”