“Cat hair is lonely people glitter”
"Cat hair is lonely people glitter" is a saying that has been printed on many images. Both glitter and cat hair seem to spread everywhere. The saying implies that lonely people have cats.…
"Cat hair is lonely people glitter" is a saying that has been printed on many images. Both glitter and cat hair seem to spread everywhere. The saying implies that lonely people have cats.…
"Cat/Dog/Pet hair is my fairy dust" is a saying that has been printed on many images. Many people believe that animal hair all over everything is a big problem, but the speaker loves…
"Cat hair is my glitter" is a saying that has been printed on many images. Both glitter and cat hair seem to spread everywhere. "Cat hair is my glitter. #whatislife" was posted…
"Dogs do not believe in Daylight Savings Time" (or "Cats don't believe in Daylight Savings Time") is a saying that has been printed on many images. Pets want to be fed at…
The internet is not all cat videos, although it may sometimes seem like it is. "Cats spend two-thirds of their lives sleeping, and the other third making viral videos" is a jocular…
There are many cat videos on the internet. "'I wish cats knew how much the Internet loves them.' So true..." was posted on Twitter on October 19, 2012. "Cats would be even…
"Pets: Life’s apology for every crappy day ever" is a saying that has been printed on many images. People come home after a bad day at work (or school) and are greeted by their pets.…
"Cattle come first, then men, then horses, then women" is said to have been the priority list of the old West. The phrase appears as "an old Texas saying" in Edna Ferber's…
"Beware: Dog can't hold its licker" (or "Caution: Dog can't hold its licker") is a jocular "liquor"/"licker" sign saying that has been printed on…
"Changing the clocks does not change feeding time. Signed Dogs Everywhere" (shown on a sign worn by a dog) is a saying that has been printed on many images. Pets want to be fed at the…
"Changing the clocks does not change feeding time. Signed Dogs Everywhere" (shown on a sign worn by a dog) is a saying that has been printed on many images. Pets want to be fed at the…
"Changing the clocks does not change feeding time. Signed Dogs Everywhere" (shown on a sign worn by a dog) is a saying that has been printed on many images. Pets want to be fed at the…
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is a national public health institute. The Greek mythological figure of Chiron as the "Centaur of Disease Control" is a joke on the…
"Clocks fall back one hour this Weekend. Get an extra hour of sleep!!! Unless you have a dog!" is a saying that has been printed on many images. Pets want to be fed at the same time, and…
"Clocks fall back one hour this Weekend. Get an extra hour of sleep!!! Unless you have a dog!" is a saying that has been printed on many images. Pets want to be fed at the same time, and…
"Lasers were once a huge scientific breakthrough; now we use them to play with cats. Computers were once a huge scientific breakthrough; now we use them to look at cats. Conclusion: Science…
"Lasers were once a huge scientific breakthrough; now we use them to play with cats. Computers were once a huge scientific breakthrough; now we use them to look at cats. Conclusion: Science…
“Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get" is a famous line from the movie Forrest Gump (1994). Many people love chocolate, but it can kill…
There are corn dogs, but no corn cats. "mmm corn dogs. Far superior than corn cats" was posted on Twitter by Shawn Daley on March 16, 2010. "I think I like corndogs better. Not…
There are corn dogs, but no corn cats. "mmm corn dogs. Far superior than corn cats" was posted on Twitter by Shawn Daley on March 16, 2010. "I think I like corndogs better. Not…