
"Trans-slender" or "translender" is a pun on "transgender." "Um no I'm not fat I'm very translender" was posted on Twitter by Van on May 9, 2015.…

Trashed Tuesday (Trashy Tuesday)

"Trashed Tuesday" (or "Trashy Tuesday") is a drinking slang name for a day of the week. Alcoholic drinks are sold on this day, often at a reduced price. “Trashed Tuesday”…

Tree of Hope

The "Tree of Hope" in Harlem stood before the old Lafayette Theatre at Seventh Avenue and 131st Street. Actors who stood beneath it would gain employment. The tree was cut down in 1934 to…

Trekathon (trek + marathon)

A "trekathon" (trek + marathon) is an extensive trek, usually up a mountain. "Trek-a-thon" has been cited in print since at least 1998. The website explained in…

Tribeca Design District

The Tribeca Design District is a name for the many design-oriented shops and showrooms located in Tribeca (Triangle Below Canal Street in Manhattan). Jean Lin of Colony -- The Designers' Co-op…


"Triburbia" has become a new nickname for TriBeCa. has long been home to well-off families who wanted space and good…