Reasonoid (Reason Magazine reader nickname)

The libertarian Reason monthly magazine started a “Hit & Run” blog in 2002. Reason readers have been called “Reasonoids” since at least 2004. The nickname “Reasonoids” has been used by Reason itself and is not derogatory.
Wikipedia: Reason (magazine)
Reason is a libertarian monthly magazine published by the Reason Foundation. The magazine has a circulation of around 60,000 and was named one of the 50 best magazines in 2003 and 2004 by the Chicago Tribune.
Hit and Run
Hit & Run is Reason‘s group blog. It is maintained and written by the staff of the magazine. It was started in 2002. Then-editor Nick Gillespie and then-Web editor Tim Cavanaugh, both veterans of, modeled the blog in some ways after that website: they brought along several other writers to contribute, fostered a style in the blog matching that former website’s sarcastic attitude, and even the name “Hit & Run” was taken from what had been a weekly news roundup column on Reason editors referred to this co-opting of the former website as the “Suck-ification of Reason.”

In 2005, Hit & Run was named as one of the best political blogs by Playboy.
Balloon Jucie Lexicon
Reasonoids- Collective nickname for the glibertarians who write at Reason’s Hit and Run blog. Known for long and syrupy odes to the free market despite the fact that the magazine itself is a fully funded wingnut welfare endeavor, Reason’s writers as of late have contributed little more to the public discourse than regurgitating right-wing talking points and dressing them up with a libertarianish spin. A one word summation of the Reasonoids would be “SMUG,” and their defining characteristic is the inability to differentiate levels of government over-reach. For example, to a Reason writer, the government requiring someone to wear a seatbelt is just as bad as detaining someone indefinitely and torturing them. General consensus is that Radley Balko is the only redeeming characteristic at the website anymore, although the Reason staff has consistently done admirable work regarding the Drug War, police over-reach, and pornography.
Reason Magazine: Hit & Run
Attention, Philly Area Reasonoids!
Nick Gillespie | October 8, 2004
Reason Magazine: Hit & Run
Attn: NYC Reasonoids!
Nick Gillespie | November 3, 2004

The Y-Files
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Partying with the Reasonoids
The Reason staff in Washington, DC gathered at Mackey’s Pub tonight to celebrate the Reason blog, Hit & Run, being named one of the five winning political blogs in Playboy.
roup42 (Livejournal)
roup42 (roup42) wrote,
@ 2006-02-20 08:29:00
Bloggin with the Reasonoids
The Reason Magazine blog Hit&Run is my Little Red Book for fun libertarian-type stuff. They take suggestions for items, and so far I’ve gotten 6 in (one of those isn’t mine). Since most the links are poached from you all, I’d like to publicly thank you for scoring me points ‘mongst the Randroids.