WorstJet (WestJet nickname)

WestJet Airlines Ltd. is a Canadian airline that was founded in 1994. WestJet has been nicknamed by some as "WorstJet." "Pre-board announcement for Worstjet flt 768 to Toronto"…

Wow Factor

A product such as a movie or a computer or a car often has a "wow factor" -- an aspect that impresses the customer and looks amazing, making the customer say "Wow!" The…

Wrap (sandwich)

"Wraps" became popularized in California in the mid-1990s, with restaurants such as San Francisco's World Wrapps (trademarked July 10, 1994), The Daily Wrap and Wrap Works. A…

Wrappetizer (wrap + appetizer)

A "wrappetizer" (wrap + appetizer) is a wrap sandwich that serves as an appetizer, but not usually a complete meal. Anchor Food Products (owned by McCain USA) trademarked…

WTF (Where’s The Food)

The initials "WTF" usually stand for "What The Fuck." "WTF" (Where's The Food)" is a jocular variation on the letters that has been printed on many gift…

Wunch of Bankers

The collective noun for a group of bankers is sometimes said to be "a wunch of bankers" -- a spoonerism for "a bunch of wankers." The "wunch of bankers" joke has been…