National Fixed League (National Football League or NFL nickname)
Many people believe that the National Football League (NFL) is fixed, like professional wrestling. The NFL is sometimes nicknamed the "National Fixed League." "The National Football…
Many people believe that the National Football League (NFL) is fixed, like professional wrestling. The NFL is sometimes nicknamed the "National Fixed League." "The National Football…
The National Health Service (NHS) is the publicly funded healthcare system in England. The NHS nickname of "National Hell Service" became popular during the COVID-19 (coronavirus)…
The National Health Service (NHS) is the publicly funded healthcare system in England. The NHS nickname of "National Holocaust Service" became popular during the COVID-19 (coronavirus)…
The National Health Service (NHS) is the publicly funded healthcare system in England. The NHS nickname of "National Homicide Service" became popular during the COVID-19 (coronavirus)…
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is responsible for biomedical and public health research in the United States. Some critics of the NIH have called it the "National Institute of…
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is responsible for biomedical and public health research in the United States. The NIH has been nicknamed the "National Institutes of Hope." This…
The National Organization for Women (NOW) was founded in 1966 to protect and advocate for women's rights. Critics of NOW have claimed that it supports liberal women, but not conservative…
The National Organization for Women (NOW) was founded in 1966 to protect and advocate for women's rights. Critics of NOW have claimed that it supports liberal women, but not conservative…
The National Organization for Women (NOW) was founded in 1966 to protect and advocate for women’s rights. Some NOW critics have claimed that the organization is anti-conservative and shills for…
NPR (formerly National Public Radio) is funded, in part, with taxpayer dollars. Conservative groups have often cited that NPR has a pro-liberal bias, and Jewish groups have claimed that NPR has a…
NPR (formerly National Public Radio) is funded, in part, with taxpayer dollars. Conservative groups have often cited that NPR has a pro-liberal bias, and Jewish groups have claimed that NPR has a…
NPR (National Public Radio) has sometimes been called "National Panhandler Radio" because of its many pledge drives. "National Panhandler Radio Does Its Imitation Of Media…
NPR (National Public Radio) has sometimes been called "National Pinko Radio" by conservatives who believe that NPR has "pinko" (communist) leanings. "National Pinko…
NPR (formerly National Public Radio) is funded, in part, with taxpayer dollars. Conservative groups have often cited that NPR has a pro-liberal bias. Some critics have nicknamed NPR "National…
NPR (formerly National Public Radio) is funded, in part, with taxpayer dollars. Conservative groups have often cited that NPR has a pro-liberal bias. Some critics have nicknamed NPR "National…
NPR (formerly National Public Radio) is funded, in part, with taxpayer dollars. Conservative groups have often cited that NPR has a pro-liberal bias. Some critics have nicknamed NPR “National…
NPR (formerly National Public Radio) is funded, in part, with taxpayer dollars. Conservative groups have often cited that NPR has a pro-liberal bias. Some critics have nicknamed NPR “National…
The National Security Agency was formed in 1962 to improve foreign intelligence within the United States government. The agency was so secret (especially in its early years) that even its existence…
The National Security Agency was formed in 1962 to improve foreign intelligence within the United States government. The agency was so secret (especially in its early years) that even its existence…
NPR (formerly National Public Radio) is funded, in part, with taxpayer dollars. Conservative and libertarian groups often insist that government has no role in funding a radio network. The NPR…