Lolbertarian (LOL + libertarian); Lolbert

Entry in progress—BP
Google Groups: alt.religion.kibology
The foolishness of American libertarianism
Aug 9, 2004, 9:58:38 PM
In article <4117E9F3…>

Libertarianism: all the freedom, none of the responsibility. You fascist!
one friend calls these people “lipstick libertarians”.
my brother prefers “LOLbertarian”.
Urban Dictionary
A disparaging term for internet libertarians, used jokingly or not. First seen on
That LOLbertarian candidate will privatize the roads!
by Tezkah October 09, 2004
Urban Dictionary
1. A derogatory word for a self proclaimed libertarian who embraces ideas of internationalism and leftism as opposed to nationalism and libertarianism on one or more issues.
2. A loyal member of the Libertarian Party
Bill: “Borders are a fascist concept.”
Tim: “Okay, lolbert.”

by SoullessLiberty July 01, 2020
Urban Dictionary
A self proclaimed libertarian, found on the internet, that doesn’t mind the government treading on him. A lolbertarian is typically a paleo-con. Can be abbreviated to lolbert.
by Watermelon_5 June 02, 2021