Loan Shark of Last Resort (International Monetary Fund of IMF nickname)
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was founded in 1944-1945 and seeks to foster international development and sound monetary currencies. Some critics of the IMF maintain that its development loans leave countries forever in its debt and that the IMF is as corrupt as the Mafia.
American trends forecaster Gerald Celente called the IMF the “loan shark of last resort” and dubbed the IMF the “International Mafia Federation” in a June 2011 interview, where he said:
“The IMf is the International Mafia Federation they’re nothing more than the loan sharks of the last resort they’re either raping a person or raping a country, people are never going to feel free until we break the banks, break the banks and bring down the bigs or else you are just going to be a chained slave to the system because they got you where they want you.”
There are many other IMF nicknames. The IMF nickname “Imposing Misery and Famine” (also “Institute for Misery and Famine,” “Inflation, Misery and Famine” and “International Misery and Famine”) was used in Africa in the 1980s and still has infrequent use. Another IMF “misery” nickname, “International Misery Fund,” has been cited in print since at least 1992. Also, “International Mother Fuckers” (since at least 1997), “International Monetary Fraud” (since at least 1998), “It’s Mostly Fiscal/It’s Mainly Fiscal” (since at least 1998), “International Mafia Federation” (since at least 2011) and “International Marxist Fund” (since at least 2013).
Wikipedia: International Monetary Fund
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an international organization that was created on July 22, 1944 at the Bretton Woods Conference and came into existence on December 27, 1945 when 29 countries signed the Articles of Agreement. It originally had 45 members. The IMF’s stated goal was to stabilize exchange rates and assist the reconstruction of the world’s international payment system post-World War II. Countries contribute money to a pool through a quota system from which countries with payment imbalances can borrow funds temporarily. Through this activity and others such as surveillance of its members’ economies and policies, the IMF works to improve the economies of its member countries. The IMF describes itself as “an organization of 188 countries, working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world.” The organization’s stated objectives are to promote international economic cooperation, international trade, employment, and exchange rate stability, including by making financial resources available to member countries to meet balance of payments needs. Its headquarters are in Washington, D.C.
Gerald Celente Blog
SUNDAY, JUNE 26, 2011
Gerald Celente & Max Keiser on The Edge- Press TV 25 June 2011
Gerald Celente : The IMf is the International Mafia Federation they’re nothing more than the loan sharks of the last resort they’re either raping a person or raping a country , people are never going to feel free until we break the banks , break the banks and bring down the bigs or else you are just going to be a chained slave to the system because they got you where they want you , The Banks are the Mafia or Mafias ...the only way out of this is through direct democracy we the people have to vote on issues of healthcare on issues of war on issues of bailouts on issues of regulations of major importance , let the people vote , because this is not a representative type of government (that we have now) the senators and congressmen represent the people who gave the most amount of money so that they can stuff it into their pockets.
World Crisis News Watch
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
VIDEO: Gerald Celente - The IMF Is The Loan Shark Of Last Resort
Bailout Roulette
By Stephen Lendman
10/4/2011 at 02:38:17
The European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB) wants governments to increase bailing out banks close to failure. Taxpayers become lenders of last resort.
When they’re their contribution falls short, the IMF becomes the loan shark of last resort. These tactics are Ponzi scheme shenanigans, throwing good money at bad to create more of it.
America’s New World Order Agenda
By Stephen Lendman
11/13/2011 at 02:35:04
It’s a con, a scam to loot wealth from nations and households. Anyone facing default gets in trouble. Individual borrowers have their assets seized by creditors. Governments have to deal with the loan shark of last resort - the IMF.
The #IMF is the loan Shark of last resort, once you owe them it’s game over. #ows
2:59 PM - 13 Nov 11
Paris Property
Are We Watching France Emerge As The Leader Of The West?
Posted on March 13, 2012 by ParisProperty in News
Gerald Celente the Trends Research Institute Forecaster is famous for referring to the IMF as the ‘International Mafia Fund, the loan shark of last resort’.