Rat Pack

Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: Rat PackThe Rat Pack was a group of actors originally centered on Humphrey Bogart. In the mid-1960s it was the name used by the press and the general public to…

Rat Rock (Central Park)

Wikipedia: Rat Rock (Central Park)Rat Rock, also known as Umpire Rock, is an outcrop of Manhattan schist which protrudes from the bedrock in Central Park, Manhattan, New York City. It is named…

Razzleberry Pie

"Razzleberry pie" was trademarked by Marie Callender's restaurants, with a "first use" date of 1998. Marie Callender's razzleberry pie is made with raspberries and…


A "read-in" (or "read in") protest takes its inspiration from the 1960s civil rights "sit-in" protests. "Read-ins" are usually held to protest cuts in a…


A "readathon" (reading + marathon) is when there is a long session of reading; there may be many readers and there may be just one book (such as the Bible, a novel, a dictionary or…

Recession Special (reduced-price food)

Gray's Papaya began in 1973 at Broadway and West 72nd Street, offering hot dogs and papaya juice just like the older Papaya King. In the late 1980s or early 1990s, Gray's began offering a…

Recessipe (recession recipe)

The economic recession of 2008-2009 caused many people to choose simpler, less expensive meals. The word "recessipe" (recession recipe) was popularized in February and March 2009. A blog…