Proud City

"Proud City" was a short-lived nickname coined by Mayor John Lindsay in 1966. "Fun City" was also Lindsay's. 1 January 1966, New York Herald Tribune, pg. 1:John V. Lindsay…

Pub Alley (West 38th Street)

Entry in progress -- B.P. Zero HedgeFAA Fines Drone Operator For Multiple "Reckless" Crashes In ManhattanSubmitted by Tyler Durden on 05/02/2014 16:40 -0400Filed under - WTF Headline of…

Public Health Capital of the World

Geneva, Switzerland (home of the World Health Organization and Atlanta, Georgia (home of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) have both been called the "Public Health Capital of the…

Puck (flat disk used in hockey)

Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: Hockey puckA puck is a disk used in various games serving the same functions as a ball does in ball games. The best-known use of pucks is in ice hockey, a major…

Pulled Pork

Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: Pulled porkPulled pork is a form of barbecue. It is known as Carnitas in Mexico. It is a method of preparation in which pork, usually shoulder cut (sometimes…

Pulse Loan

A "pulse loan" is a loan given to anyone with a pulse. It's sometimes said that banks so dearly wanted to make mortgages (and collect mortgage fees) that the banks would give a loan…