Jobber (job + truther; a jobs number conspiracy theorist)

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics publishes employment statistics every month, but BLS critics have claimed that it often uses methods (such as not counting people who have given up looking for work) to make the current administration’s employment record look better than it actually is. BLS nicknames such as Bureau of Lies and Statistics have been used. BLS supporters claim that the government agency is above such manipulations and have called these critics “jobs number conspiracy theorists.”
The Daily Kos and Washington (DC) Post writer Ezra Klein came up with the term “jobber” on October 5, 2012—after an important BLS pre-election jobs report favored the current Democratic administration and Republicans questioned the numbers. “Jobber” follows similar names of “truther” (a 9-11-2001 conspiracy theorist), “birther” (a Barack Obama birth certificate conspiracy theorist) and “deather” (an Osama bin Laden death conspiracy theorist).
Ezra Klein
Jobbers RT @thinkprogress: UPDATE: 7 prominent conservatives who insist today’s job numbers are faked
Meet The Conservatives Who Think Today’s Job Numbers Are A Conspiracy
The Bureau of Labor Statistics released an unexpectedly strong monthly jobs report on Friday, finding a dramatic drop in unemployment to 7.8 percent and revised the number of jobs added in July and…
ThinkProgress @thinkprogress
7:13 AM - 5 Oct 12
Daily Kos
FRI OCT 05, 2012 AT 08:12 AM PDT
Truthers. Birthers. We’re going to need a name for the latest conspiracy-mongers: on job statistics
by Meteor Blades
I vote for “jobbers” -nt-
by The Rational Hatter on Fri Oct 05, 2012 at 09:01:02 AM PDT
As an insult it has an older meaning but one that also applies to many of them.
by Wee Mama on Fri Oct 05, 2012 at 09:17:40 AM PDT
What about Blow-Jobbers?
Or has that already been taken?
by Rube Goldberg on Fri Oct 05, 2012 at 09:28:02 AM PDT
Just call them “Jobbers”
by joeyess on Fri Oct 05, 2012 at 09:49:50 AM PDT
The Jobbers
because they are crying that they have been jobbed on the jobs report.
by Gilpin Guy on Fri Oct 05, 2012 at 10:25:59 AM PDT
Perhaps just “jobbers”, but I think “nutjobbers” is the right term to get going in the lexicon.
by b3djlh on Fri Oct 05, 2012 at 08:47:42 AM PDT
I like “Jobbers.” It not only fits the pattern (Birthers, Truthers), but any fan of pro-wrestling knows another meaning of “jobber” that probably fits here, too.
by WriterAtLarge on Fri Oct 05, 2012 at 09:17:01 AM PDT
Martin Bashir   |  Aired on October 05, 2012
Ezra Klein debunks jobs report conspiracy theories
MSNBC policy analyst Ezra Klein throws cold water on theories promulgated by certain conservatives - “Jobbers”, he calls them - that suggest the White House doctored today’s positive jobs numbers.
Progressive Eruptions
Friday, October 5, 2012
About Those “Jobbers”...
you know, the ones who believe the Obama administration manipulated the job numbers?
Here’s someone who actually knows what he’s talking about:
“This is an encouraging report. What it tells us is that the labor market has been a bit better over the last few months than we thought, and that the recovery hasn’t slowed in the ways we feared. What the response to it tells us is that the election is driving people a little bit crazy. ”—Ezra Klein