Pop-Up Hotel

The "pop-up hotel" follows a trend opf pther pop-ups, such as the pop-up restaurant. Pop-up hotels are usually set up for specific events, such as a sports festival or a music festival.…

Popcorn at the movies

Eating popcorn at a movie theater is a popular tradition now, but popcorn wasn't always served at the movies. Samuel M. Rubin ("Sam the Popcorn Man," who died in 2004 at age 85) is…

Popcorn Chicken

"Popcorn chicken" is a dish of bite-sized pieces of fried chicken, resembling popcorn. Gene Gagliardi developed Popcorn Chicken for the KFC restaurant menu, introduced by August 1992. KFC…

Popcorn Tea

Genmaicha ("brown rice tea" in Japanese) contains toasted glutinous rice; some grains explode like popcorn when the tea is made. The genmaicha nickname of "popcorn tea" has been…

Poptail (popsicle + cocktail)

A "poptail" (popsicle + cocktail) is a frozen cocktail on a popsicle stick. "Poptail" has been cited in print since at least November 2005. Chicago's DeLaCosta restaurant…

Pork Chops and Applesauce

"Pork chops and applesauce" is a popular combination. "I see an abundance of lamb chops cooking at one fire, while the other is engaged with pork chops and apple sauce" was…

Pork New York Chop

The National Pork Board and the U.S. Department of Agriculture in 2013 created new names for cuts of pork; the new names -- such as "porterhouse chop," "T-bone chop,"…

Port-au-Prince of America

On March 13, 2024, New York City Mayor Eric Adams posted on X/Twitter: "We call New York City the Port-Au-Prince of America. We feel the pain our Haitian neighbors feel as the situation grows…

Poshtel (posh + hostel)

A "poshtel" (posh + hostel) is a hostel that also offers "posh" amenities, such as a swimming pool or a gourmet restaurant. The concept started in Europe, but quickly spread…