MacB (name used to avoid “Macbeth” curse)
William Shakespeare's play Macbeth includes witches, and theater tradition has it that the play is cursed. Saying the play's name or its lines (outside of an actual performance) is said…
William Shakespeare's play Macbeth includes witches, and theater tradition has it that the play is cursed. Saying the play's name or its lines (outside of an actual performance) is said…
William Shakespeare's play Macbeth includes witches, and theater tradition has it that the play is cursed. Saying the play's name or its lines (outside of an actual performance) is said…
"Maccy D's" is a popular nickname for McDonald's fast food restaurants in the United Kingdom. "Maccy Ds" was posted on the newsgroup on June 17, 1996.…
William Shakespeare's play Macbeth includes witches, and theater tradition has it that the play is cursed. Saying the play's name or its lines (outside of an actual performance) is said…
William Shakespeare's play Macbeth includes witches, and theater tradition has it that the play is cursed. Saying the play's name or its lines (outside of an actual performance) is said…
"Macro tourist" was defined by the blog Business Insider on APril 4, 2013: "Note: The term 'macro tourist' refers to someone who is not a traditional macro expert stepping…
The television show Mad Men premiered on July 19, 2007 and looks at the "ad men" of Madison Avenue in the 1960s (when the advertising professionals were mostly men). The term "mad…
"Mad money" was a term in the flapper slang of 1922. Flappers carried some "mad money" on them (a few dollars, in the time before credit cards), just in case of an emergency,…
"Madhattan" (fmad + Manhattan) illustrates the craziness of New York City. James Aswell (1906-1955) used "Madhattan" often in his "New York" newspaper columns in 1932…
Madison Square Garden (an indoor sports arena in Midtown Manhattan, the home of basketball's New York Knicks and hockey's New York Rangers) is infrequently nicknamed "Madness Square…
Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: Mae WestMary Jane "Mae" West (August 17, 1893 – November 22, 1980) was an American actress, singer, playwright, screenwriter, comedian, and sex…
"MAGA" (meaning "Make America Great Again") was popularized in by Donald Trump in his 2016 presidential campaign. “'Trump's meeting with tech CEOS: Immigration,…
A "magic number" is the combination of team wins and a contending team's losses that will clinch a playoff spot or title. A "tragic number" is the opposite -- a combination…
The first "magnet school" was in Philadelphia in the 1960s, not New York. A "magnet" school specializes in something (science or performing arts or business, for example) to…
Deutsche Bank invented the acronym "MAGS" (Microsoft, Amazon, Google and Salesforce) in December 2015 to describe four high-performing tech stocks. "FANG" is a similar acronym…
Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: MahjongMahjong, also spelled majiang, mah jongg, and numerous other variants, is a game that originated in China. It is commonly played by four players (with…
"Main Drag of Many Tears" was the slang name of 125th Street (or 126th Street) in the 1940s. The Apollo Theater was then one of the main attractions of 125th Street, one of Harlem's…
"Mainsewer media" (or "main sewer media") is a term for the "mainstream media" (MSM) that has become a figurative "sewer" instead of a "stream."…
Broadway has also been known as the "Main Stem." The term (used mostly in the 1920s and 1930s) is now historical. A "Main Stemmer" (or "mainstemmer") was another term…
Syndicated newspaper columnist Walter Winchell (1897-1972) introduced the term "main stem femme" in Life magazine on June 4, 1928, in an article titled "Along the Main Stem."…