Lego Cookery

Felipe Fernández-Armesto, a British historian, wrote in Near a Thousand Tables: A History of Food (2002): "Fusion food is Lego cookery. Only the revolution in availability makes it possible…

Lehman 2.0

The financial firm of Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy in September 2008 -- the largest bankruptcy in U.S. history. Any other large bankruptcy or great financial collapse (Greece, for example)…

Lehman Moment

Lehman Brothers was a financial firm that collapsed quickly in 2008; its September 2008 bankruptcy filing created a world financial panic. The term "Lehman moment" (or "Lehman…

Lemon Chicken

Chinese "lemon chicken" was the specialty of Manhattan's Pearl's Chinese Restaurant, originally at 148 West 48th Street and then, in 1973, moved to 38 West 48th Street. The 1969…

Leprechaun Cookie

A "leprechaun cookie" is one specialty that is made for St. Patrick's Day. It's a cookie made to look like a leprechaun -- somewhat similar to gingerbread men. The recipes…