Hell’s Kitchenette

"Hell's Kitchenette" is a neighborhood nickname spun off from the name Hell's Kitchen. The nickname could indicate a smaller Hell's Kitchen, encroached by development. The…

Hell’s Pantry

Hell's Pantry is a neighborhood name spin-off from Hell's Kitchen. Entertainment writer Earl Wilson (see citations below, from as early as 1951) claimed that "Hell's…

Hen Fruit (eggs)

"Hen fruit" is a jocular way to say "eggs." "Hen fruit" has been cited in print since at least 1844; "henfruit" has been cited since 1864. "'Hen…

Herald Square and Times Square

"Herald Square" was named after the New York Herald newspaper in 1893. It is the area around West 34th Street. "Times Square" was named after the New York Times newspaper in…

Hero Ball (basketball style)

"Hero ball" occurs in basketball when one player decides to be the "hero" and take the crucial shot(s). "Hero ball" can work when that player is a superstar, but team…

Hero Sandwich

Hoagie, Sub, Grinder -- there are many regional sandwich names. New Yorkers have a "hero." The Italian sandwich -- before it was called a "hero" -- was popularized in the 1890s…

Herroner (her honor)

"Herroner" ("her honor") is the feminine equivalent of "hizzoner" ("his honor"). While "hizzoner" dates back to 1880s Chicago, "herroner"…

High Finance

"High finance" means financial transactions that involve large sums of money. The term "high finance" has been cited in print since at least 1858, but began to be used with…

High Five Friday

"High Five Friday" (or "High-five Friday") is a day to celebrate the week's accomplishments, such as by giving a person a "high five" hand gesture. "High…


A "high-rise" is a tall building. "High-rise developments" (apartment buildings in public housing) was cited in December 1951 in a Chicago publication.…