Dump Cake

A "dump cake" is a cake where the ingredients are "dumped" into a mixing bowl. The name "dump cake" has been cited in print since at least January 1912. There are many…

Dumpster Diving (Dumpster Pool)

'Dumpster diving" has meant, since the early 1980s, to search through a dumpter for food or other items. What is "trash" to the person who throw the item into a dumpster might…

Dungeon Alley (Dungeon District)

"Dungeon Alley" or "Dungeon District" is the nickname (cited in print since 2007) for a roughly 20-block area of Manhattan (between Chelsea and Midtown) that caters to the sex…

Dutch Sandwich

"Dutch sandwich" is a financial term about reducing U.S. tax obligations. For example, a Dutch corporation is formed and an investment is made in a Netherlands bank; an Antilles trust…

Dyke Slope (Park Slope, Brooklyn)

Park Slope in Brooklyn was a blighted area in the 1970s, but in the late 1980s and 1990s, people began migrating to the area as a cheaper alternative to Manhattan. Many lesbians came to Park Slope…

E-Z Pass

"E-Z Pass" (or "E-ZPass") lets you go through bridges and tunnels without stopping. Your plate is automatically recorded and you'll get a bill, but the system is designed…

Eagle (golf score)

Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: Par (score)EagleEagle means scoring two under par (−2). Eagles usually occur when golfers hit the ball far enough to reach the green with fewer strokes than…