Creepocrat (Creep-o-crat)

Conservative political writer Michelle Malkin wrote about the term “creep-ocrat” on her blog and her Twitter account on March 9, 2010. A “creep-o-crat” (or “creepocrat”) is a creepy bureaucrat—for example, one who engages in deviant sexual practices with people on his government payroll.
The term “creepocrat” was used a least once before, in July 2009.
Atlanta (GA) Journal-Constitution - Jeff Schultz blog
club soda
July 10th, 2009
2:30 pm
Nice cheap shot at Sarah Palin. People like you help ensure that decent people don’t run for office. Instead, we get corrupt creepocrats and cleptocrats.
Michelle Malkin
From naked shower fights to…back wax…and a Capitol Hill gropefest…now, interns…and… “tickle fights”…ugh…x-ray tumors, oh dear
By Michelle Malkin •  March 9, 2010 02:17 PM
Okay, this week is grossing me out. Can we hit the reset button?
We’ve gone from crapweasel Eric Massa’s claims about naked shower summits with Rahm Emanuel to a Florida GOP Senate spat over…back wax.
Just a reminder that I took a lot of crap from my friends on the Right for coming out early against GOP predator Mark Foley.
I know a creep-o-crat when I smell one.
Michelle Malkin (michellemalkin) on Twitter
OK, #youpeople, can we agree: There are way too many creep-o-crats in D.C. Throw them ALL out.