Creepublican (creep + Republican)

“Creepublican” (creep + Republican) is a nickname used by those who think that Republicans are creepy. “Creepublican” has been cited in print since at least 1997.
“Creepublican” probably is not related to 1972’s Committee for the Re-Election for the President, a group supporting the re-election of Republican President Richard Nixon and given the joking acronym of “CREEP.”
Wikipedia: Committee for the Re-Election of the President
The Committee for the Re-Election of the President, abbreviated CRP but often mocked by the acronym CREEP, was a fundraising organization of United States President Richard Nixon’s administration. Besides its re-election activities, CRP employed money laundering and slush funds and was directly and actively involved in the Watergate scandal.
Google Groups: alt.abortion
republicans have money scandals, democrats have sex.  if those creepublicans were getting laid (hey, it’s my fave theory, ok?) they wouldn’t have so much time and energy to be worrying if everybody *else* was too.
Google Groups: alt.current-events.clinton
Stupid Creepublican Point Number 2
Dave Butner
Answer me this…...if Monica Lewinsky lied in her original affadavit and then lied again before the Grand Jury…...why is she now a credible witness?
The Creepublicans are getting desparate.
Democratic Underground
Wed Jan-28-04 04:25 AM
3. Creepublicans
always get by with that shit.
Daily Kos
THU MAY 01, 2008 AT 08:42 AM PDT
GOP : Hillary “Our Best Surrogate”
by Celtic Merlin
Yes, the Creepublicans consider Hillary to be one of their best tools in the fight to keep the Democratic nomination away from Barack Obama and to tear him down before he has a chance to pummel John McCain - the Creepublican party’s “Knight of The Living Dead”.
Hartford (CT) Courant
October 8, 2008
Posted on October 8, 2008 12:01 AM
The Creepublicans effectively did it against John Kerry with that swift boat nonsense in 2004. blog
creepublicans kill babies
Thursday, August 9th, 2012
creepublicans kill babies
for lack of prenatal care, pediatric care, and childcare, usraeltar babies are dying in large numbers (which, of course, might not be the worst thing to happen, given the status of over-ovulation, over-copulation, and over-population of the distressed usraeltar-nation). the creepublican opposition to healthcare-reforms is causing constant shortages in the so much needed support to usraeltar mothers.