Fakestream Media (fake news + mainstream media); FSM (fake + MSM)

“Fakestream media” or “fake stream media”  (fake news + mainstream media) became popular when the term “fake news” went viral in 2016 (with the election of U.S. President Donald Trump), but the term had been used before that time. “@mmfa @msnbc_politics Hows that hope and change thank-you Harry Reid and the fake stream Media” was posted on Twitter on January 11, 2010. “Um, @SarahPalinUSA, YOU are the lamestream media: YOU “work” for FOX. | Fox == FAKEstream media” was posted on Twitter on June 25, 2010.
“Fakestream media- Media that presents biased opinion as fact” was posted on Twitter on October 9, 2011. “Fakestream media” was entered in the Urban Dictionary on January 22, 2017.
“FSM” (fake + MSM) is sometimes used. “Looks like FSM (Fakestream media) is finally getting caught up to what I reported 45 minutes ago” was posted on Twitter on August 7, 2012. “@realDonaldTrump call them Fakestream Media #fsm #fakestream” was posted on Twitter on May 3, 2018.
Replying to @mmfa
@mmfa @msnbc_politics Hows that hope and change thank-you Harry Reid and the fake stream Media.
4:03 PM - 11 Jan 2010
The Wiseass
RT @OTOOLEFAN: Um, @SarahPalinUSA, YOU are the lamestream media: YOU “work” for FOX. | Fox == FAKEstream media
9:27 PM - 25 Jun 2010
Jeffrey s borreson
Fakestream media to admit shortly depression,phoney unemployment no# stock up on food,water,selfdefence items,cost more in coming months
5:50 PM - 22 Sep 2011
Someone Else Now
@WeGotEd 82nd Airborne slaughtered by the real #Libyan army days ago and still no word from the Fakestream media at #MSNBC #CNN or #Foxnews
10:50 PM - 6 Oct 2011
Michael Schwartz
Fakestream media- Media that presents biased opinion as fact.
12:06 PM - 9 Oct 2011
Looks like FSM (Fakestream media) is finally getting caught up to what I reported 45 minutes ago. Bit slow @HockeyyInsiderr
8:21 PM - 7 Aug 2012
OT - Has the Mainstream Media become the War Stream Media, Fake Stream Media or Propaganda Stream Media? http://fb.me/2pV0to5y6
2:13 PM - 22 Oct 2014
Ed Mokurai Cherlin
#AltDeplorables http://www.altright.com/2016/08/12/fsm-says-the-alt-right-are-racist-like-thats-a-bad-thing/
12:17 PM - 11 Sep 2016
Fakestream Media is the FAKE NEWS!
Jade McLove
Published on Jan 21, 2017
They created the buggy man through claiming anyone making off mainstream media is Fake news.
Urban Dictionary
fakestream media
Sources of corporate or politically fabricated or “fake” news.
The fakestream media is orchestrating a witch hunt on the champions of free and fair information.
#fakestream#fake nrws
by the Reverend bIl Z’bUb January 22, 2017
The ‘Fakestream’ Media
Bryan Crabtree |Posted: Jul 19, 2017 12:01 AM
The most popular phrase of 2017 will likely be ‘fake news.’
The entire ‘fakestream media’ is missing the reality that the American people no longer depend them to tell them how to think.
21 November 2017, Caledon (ON) Enterprise, “Letter: ‘Noise’ is a language I DO understand,” pg. ?:
Yet, we get comment ‘ad nauseam’ on President Trump, which is completely one-sided, hateful and downright nasty. And still, the MSM asks why readership/viewership/etc. is down, or why they are also referred to as fake stream media?
Well, there is a saying that goes like this; ‘you made the bed, now you have to sleep in it’!
Gavin M. D’Eri, Bolton
Val Zudans, M.D.
@realDonaldTrump call them Fakestream Media #fsm #fakestream
8:54 PM - 3 May 2018
CA Ishwaran shree
Replying to @EmbassyofRussia @mfa_russia and 8 others
Instead of “main stream media” now call them “FSM” fake stream media.
They are naked in front of world audience with half truths, biased and fake news and story lines
12:37 AM - 30 May 2018