“A stew boiled is a stew spoiled”

An old adage (dating to at least the 1820s) is: "Turkey boiled is Turkey spoiled;And Turkey roast is Turkey lost;But Turkey braised is Turkey praised." By at least 1866, this became:…

“A stir fry is just a hot salad”

Stir fry has been compared to a hot salad. "Stir fry is just like having a hot salad. Random thought" was posted on Twitter by Megan Kittrell on December 26, 2010. "Stir Fry is just…

“A taco is just a Mexican hot dog”

Tacos have been compared to hot dogs. "It came to me as I was having dinner...tacos are mexican hot dogs" was poste on Twitter by Peter Ohaver on October 23, 2009. "Tacos = A Mexican…