“There are no bears living on Park Avenue”
"There are no bears living on Park Avenue" means that the wealthy people who live on Park Avenue are not stock market pessimists ("bears") who believe that their wealth will…
"There are no bears living on Park Avenue" means that the wealthy people who live on Park Avenue are not stock market pessimists ("bears") who believe that their wealth will…
"There are no called strikes in investing" is a statement attributed to investor Warren Buffett, but Buffett's exact words on the television show Adam Smith's Money World in…
Chris Powell, Secretary/Treasurer of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA), gave a speech titled "There are no markets anymore, just interventions" in April 2008. Powell said about…
Mae West (1893-1980) was known for her risqué behavior. "There are no withholding taxes on the wages of sin," West told a television interviewer in 1959. West used the line again in her…
"There are old traders around and there are bold traders around, but there are no old, bold traders around" has been attributed to Bob Dinda, some time in the 1980s. The Wall Street maxim…
"There are three dimensions to credit cards: length, width and debt" -- "debt" sounds a bit like "depth" -- is a jocular saying that has been printed on several…
There is angel investing (with angel investors). There is no devil investing (with devil investors). "If there are 'angel investors' are there also 'devil investors'?"…
Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett added some homely advice to the 1989 annual report: "No sooner is one problem solved than another surfaces — never is there just one cockroach in the…
"There's nothing worse than spending money on disappointing food" and "Spending money on disappointing food is a different type of pain" are sayings that have been printed…
"There is nothing inherent wrong in effect with fiat money, provided we get perfect authority and God-like intelligence for kings" has been credited to Aristotle (384 B.C.-322 B.C.), but…
Economic historian Charles P. Kindleberger (1910-2003) wrote in Manias, Panics and Crashes: A History of Financial Crises (1978 and subsequent editions): "In my talks about financial crisis…
Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia; Chartist (occupation)A chartist (also known as a technical trader or technical analyst) is one who utilizes charts to assess patterns of activity that might be…
"There's always a bull market somehwere" is an optimist's outlook for a bad market. If not nationally, then internationally; if not stocks, then bonds -- when something goes…
"There's no fever like gold fever" is a popular saying with goldbugs. "There is no fever like gold fever and it is only beginning" was said by financial author Richard…
Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: Luck LucianoCharles "Lucky" Luciano (pronounced /luːtʃˈɑːnɵ/; born Salvatore Lucania November 24, 1897 – January 26, 1962), was an…
"There's nothing worse than spending money on disappointing food" and "Spending money on disappointing food is a different type of pain" are sayings that have been printed…
"There's too much month left at the end of the money" is a jocular saying, the reverse of having money left at the end of the month. "In opulent America, on the other hand, we…
"These days you gotta have a job for the bills and another job for yourself" is a saying that has been printed on many images. That is, the economy is so bad, people need two jobs just to…
"These days you gotta have a job for the bills and another job for yourself" is a saying that has been printed on many images. That is, the economy is so bad, people need two jobs just to…
"They print more money causing inflation so you have to invest in assets. Then put a capital gains tax on those assets so you can never escape inflation" is a saying that has been printed…