“There’s no fever like gold fever”

“There’s no fever like gold fever” is a popular saying with goldbugs. “There is no fever like gold fever and it is only beginning” was said by financial author Richard Russell in 1974.
The saying experienced renewed popularity during the 2000s, when the price of gold doubled. “Remember that saying that we last heard in 1978-79—‘There’s no fever like gold fever’” was written by Russell in 2006.
21 March 1974, San Diego (CA) Union, “Outlooks On Inflation Unite Three Panelists” by Donald C. Bauder, pg. A-24, col. 2:
Russell said he foresaw “a massive movement into gold—so big it will be flabbergasting. Commodities will collapse in the future, and only gold will survive. There is no fever like gold fever and it is only beginning.”
(Richard Russell of La Jolla, publisher of the Dow Theory Letters.—ed.)
Google News Archive
17 January 1980, Miami (FL) News, “It’s hard to be a gold extremist” by Louis Rukeyser, pg. 14A, col. 2:
Perhaps he should have known that, as technician Ned Davis of J.C. Bradford & Co. puts it, once it gets going “there’s no fever like gold fever.”
USAGOLD Gold Discussion Archive
PRITCHO Richard Russell’s Latest Comments - - - 2/1/06; 03:00:57
More words of wisdom from the master -—
January 31, 2006
Remember that saying that we last heard in 1978-79—“There’s no fever like gold fever.” Somewhere ahead, maybe a year, maybe five years—gold fever will strike big-time. And it will be a sight to behold. What we’re seeing now is “nothing,” nada, the early creaking of a great bull market just pushing upward off its belly.
Amen ‘Forexng’ Ide
#forexng Gold Price Bulls: “There’s No Fever Like Gold Fever”: GOLD PRICE NEWS - The gold price dipped $1.17 to $1… http://bit.ly/dCAZPk
5:11 PM - 15 Sep 2010
The Silver Liberation Blog
Friday, 22 April 2011
There’s no Fever like Gold Fever!
I can feel them caressing my face—the early breezes. They are blowing gently and hinting of the forthcoming gold hurricane that will sweep across the US and the planet with all the force and power that was seen when gold was first discovered at Sutter’s Creek during the California gold rush of 1849. The gold rush of the 2000s is in the wings. The old phrase is ringing in my ears again (I haven’t heard it since the late ‘70s), “There’s no fever like gold fever.”
- Richard Russell via a King World News interview.
Commodity Trade Mantra
Watch out for the Silver Mania Outbreak!
February 6, 2013
It is often said that “There is no fever like Gold fever,” but it will soon be said that “There is no mania like a Silver Mania.
Gold and Silver—The Monetary Metals
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
There is no Fever like Gold Fever
This from Antal E. Fekete:
Here is an update on the backwardation in gold ...