“There’s always a bull market somewhere”

“There’s always a bull market somehwere” is an optimist’s outlook for a bad market. If not nationally, then internationally; if not stocks, then bonds—when something goes down, something else goes up and is an investment opportunity.
The saying has been cited in print since 1964, but appears to have been popularized in the 1990s and 2000s.
Google Books
Bear Markets:
How to survive and make money in them

By Harry D Schultz
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall
Pg. ?:
The first is the concept that you can escape American economic troubles by investing in foreign stocks or foreign stock funds. The theory here sounds so reasonable. The exponents say, “There will always be a bull market somewhere in the world.”
20 August 1990, St. Louis (MO) Post-Dispatch, “Tips on Preparing for Recession” by Mike Brown, Business, pg. 8:
As some are fond of saying there’s always a bull market somewhere. even in the worst of economic times.
Google News Archive
13 March 1994, Deseret News (Salt Lake City, UT), pg. M3, col. 3:
The beauty of mutual fund investing is that there is al ways a bull market somewhere. if not stocks, perhaps bonds. if not internationally, then domestically. And if not in financial assets, then take a look at hard assets like real estate.
Google Books
June 1994, Kiplinger’s Personal Finance, pg. 119, col. 2 ad:
There is Almost Always a Bull Market Somewhere in the World
Google Groups: misc.invest.funds
Newsgroups: misc.invest.funds
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (James Bridges)
Date: 1995/04/20
Subject: Dad’s Mutual Fund Digest V2#4(1)
The (mis-)fortunes of foreign markets in 1994 have ended the boast, “There is always a bull market somewhere.”
Google Books
The Index Trading Course
By George A. Fontanills and Tom Gentile
Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Pg. 31:
Fortunately, one thing is almost certain: There are always trending markets somewhere. For example, specific sectors can move in bull and bear markets. In fact, some traders like to say that there is always a bull market somewhere.
There’s Always a Bull Market
By Jim Cramer
06/23/06 - 02:10 PM EDT
Editor’s note: As a special bonus to TheStreet.com readers, we will be running an updated version of Jim Cramer’s “Twenty-Five Rules of Investing,” from his latest book, Real Money: Sane Investing in an Insane World. Here’s Rule 25.
I like to end every television and radio show I have with this signoff: “There is always a bull market somewhere, and I will try to find it for you.” I say that because it’s true.
Seeking Alpha
There’s Always a Bull Market Somewhere
by: Investing The Middle Way
July 26, 2007
“She’s Got Legs”
By Jeffrey D. Saut
May 28, 2010
Indeed, since the mid-1970s, I have voiced the mantra, “There is ALWAYS a bull market somewhere and it is my job to try and find it.” For example, even in the vicious bear market of 1973 – 1974, where the DJIA lost nearly 50% of its value, there were stocks that went up.
Daily Markets
Covered Calls 101: The Best Investment For A Flat, Volatile Market
By Andrew Mickey on June 21, 2010
The Wall Street adage, there’s always a bull market somewhere, has certainly held true for a long time.