“They say do what you love and the money will follow” (joke)
“Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life” is an old saying. "They say do what you love and the money will follow" is the start of a joke that has been…
“Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life” is an old saying. "They say do what you love and the money will follow" is the start of a joke that has been…
Money changes hands and attracts lots of bacteria. A joke is: "They say money has germs, but even a germ couldn't live on the money I make." The joke has been cited in print since at…
"get a passport, see the world" was posted on X/Twitter by TylerTheCreator (now just "T") on December 1, 2019. This received over 214,000 likes. Many people responded that they…
A bank's ATM might say "insufficient funds," but whose funds are insufficient? "dnt tell any1 but Standard bank,ABSA n FNB r bankrupt! Tried withdrawing money from them n they…
Dennis Gartman is a successful trader who writes The Gartman Letter. "Think like a fundamentalist and trade like a technician" has been his advice since at least the October 1989 issue of…
"Pensar que imprimiendo billetes se acaba con la pobreza es como pensar que imprimiendo diplomas se acaba con la ignorancia" ("Thinking that printing banknotes ends poverty is like…
A jocular Christmas letter has been printed on many images: "Dear Santa, This year please give me a fat bank account and a slim body. (Please don't mix them up like you did last…
Celebrities are rich and famous, but they often have charity appeals, asking money from people who are not rich at all. "I had five hundred Kit Kats in my fridge and my mate had one in his. I…
"It's not a recession. It's a robbery" or ("This is not a recession. This is a robbery") is a saying that has been printed on many images. In a recession, business…
Parents and children have new nicknames for each other. This was posted on Twitter by yerl on January 11, 2019: "This morning I called my mom by ‘birth giver’ and she replied ‘yes,…
A pun about chocolate was posted on the website Pun of the Day in March 2004: "Those who invest in chocolate put their money behind bars." Pun of the Day Great One Liners of the Month -…
A minimalist keeps things at a minimum. People who don't have money are "minimalist," but not by choice. "Are you a minimalist or just broke?" was posted on X/Twitter by…
Entry in progress -- B.P. Google News Archive14 August 1986, St. Petersburg (FL) Evening Independent, "Firms helps brokerages make sales," pg. 10A, col. 1:Suppose you are a client who…
American humorist Will Rogers (1879-1935) is often credited with the jocular saying: "There have been three great inventions since the beginning of time: fire, the wheel, and central…
The old economics joke goes: "There are three kinds of economists: Those who can add/count and those who can't." (Also, "Those who know how to add/count and those who…
"To throw good money after bad" is to further invest in a losing venture. If much money has already been sunk into the venture -- General Motors, for example -- a "bailout" of…
To "throw nickels like manhole covers" is not to throw nickels at all. (Manhole covers are heavy and are almsot impossible to throw.) The saying implies that a person is stingy with…
"Time in the market is better than timing the market" means that, over time, the stock market will yield successful returns. It is impossible to accurately time the market highs and lows.…
"Time is the friend of stocks, the enemy of bonds" has been cited in print since at least 2008 and is of unknown origin. The saying includes the word "time," but probably means…
"Time, talent, and treasure" is a phrase that's often mentioned in churches to promote sacrificial giving. The phrase is also used in philanthropy and in corporations (especially…