Operation Twist (Operation Nudge)
The Federal Reserve's "Operation Nudge" (cited in print from April 9, 1961) was renamed "Operation Twist" (cited in print from August 20, 1963), after a song and dance…
The Federal Reserve's "Operation Nudge" (cited in print from April 9, 1961) was renamed "Operation Twist" (cited in print from August 20, 1963), after a song and dance…
"OpEx" (also "OPEX" and "opex") stands for "operational expenditure" or "operational expense" or "operating expenditure" or…
Entry in progress -- B.P. BusinessDictionary.comother people's money (OPM) Money borrowed as unsecured loans, or contributed by smaller stockholders (shareholders). Equated with its…
People who refuse to see what is happening are compared to the ostrich, an animal that -- according to the myth -- buries its head in the sand. "Ostrich economics" is a policy promoted by…
An "out-of-pocket" expense or cost is something that someone has to pay himself or herself. For example, on a business trip, there could be out-of-pocket expenses such as gas and meals.…
The term "pain trade" was defined in a Barron's May 2008 article, "Rx for the 'Pain Trade.'" as "the market conditions that will cause the most discomfort…
There are two kinds of traders who have been called "pajama" (or "pyjama") traders. A "pajama trader" is a small investor, who might trade from home (while wearing…
"Paperari" is a portmanteau of "paper" and perhaps "literati," forming a word that resembles "paparazzi." The term comes from the precious metals blog…
"Paper bug" or "paperbug" is a term similar to the older terms "gold bug" and "silver bug." ("Bug" is a slang term for "enthusiast.") A…
"Psss/Passing Over Opportunity/Opportunities Repeatedly" is sometimes given as a backronym (back acronym) for the word "poor." "Moms, Are you POOR? Passing Over Opportunity…
The group Patriotic Millionaires for Fiscal Strength began in November 2010 to lobby for the expiration of tax cuts for the wealthy. The group believed that the United States was in financial…
Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: PAYGOPAYGO (pay-as-you-go) is a term used to refer to financing where budgetary restrictions demand paying for expenditures with funds that are made available…
PayPal is an American multinational financial technology company operating an online payments system. Some critics (who don't think it's much of a "pal") have called the company…
Entry in progress -- B.P. Wiktionary: peakistNounpeakist (plural peakists)1. A supporter of the peak oil theory, or one who advocates policies that depend on this theory Wikipedia: Peak oilPeak oil…
A "penny-pincher" is someone who is extremely frugal and who counts every penny. The English dramatist Thomas Dekker (1572-1632) wrote "Hang these penny-pinching fathers" in his…
A "permabear" (or "perma-bear" or "perma bear") is a person who believe that the stock market will go down -- a "bear market" pessimist or "permanent…
A "permabull" (or "perma-bull" or "perma bull") is a person who believe that the stock market will go up -- a "bull market" optimist or "permanent…
"Permabull" has been cited in print since at least 1994 and "permabear" since at least 1995. It's been said that the permabears and permabulls can be "permawrong"…
'Pet bank" is a derisive term that was applied to state banks that were selected to receive government deposits in 1833, taking the place of the Second United States Bank that President…
"Pet rocks" were a fad in the 1970, started by advertising executive Gary Dahl. Dahl sold the worthless rocks, along with a joke insruction booklet for handling the "pet." Gary…