
A "petrodollar" (petroleum + dollar) is a United States dollar earned by a country (such as an OPEC country) in the sale of its petroleum exports to another country. Georgetown University…


"Petrodollar" has been cited in print since 1973; "petrogold" has been cited in print since at least 2008. The "petrogold" term was popularized on the blog Zero Hedge…

Piggy Bank

A "piggy bank" is a vessel where money can be inserted; it was originally shaped like a pig, but can be other animals and objects. "Pig bank" is cited in print from 1895 and…

PIMPCO (PIMCO nickname)

PIMCO (the Pacific Investment Management Company) was founded in 1971; it now has over a trillion dollars in investments. "PIMPCO" is an obvious nickname, used by those who believe that…

PM (precious metals)

Precious metals are rare metallic chemical elements of high economic value, such as gold, silver, platinum and palladium. The term "PM" for "precious metals" has been cited in…

Poison Pill

Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: Shareholder rights planA shareholder rights plan, colloquially known as a "poison pill", or simply "the pill" is a kind of defensive tactic…

Ponzi Scheme

A "Ponzi scheme" is the method developed by Charles Ponzi (1882-1949), using international reply coupons for postage stamps, to allegedly make money for investors. Ponzi's method was…