
Sellathon (sell + marathon)

A "sellathon" or "sell-a-thon" (sell + marathon) is an event that retailers often hold featuring discounted products. "Sellathon" has been cited in print since at…

Selmelier (salt expert)

A "selmelier" is a salt expert, similar to a "sommelier" (wine steward). The word "selmelier" was coined since at least July 2006 by Mike Bitterman, the selmelier at…

Seminar Caller

The term "seminar caller" was coined by conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh by at least July 1996. A "seminar caller" makes an "astroturfed" call to a…

Semita (Cemita)

Entry still in progress. Any speculation about the etymology (from "Semite" or "seed"?) will be appreciated. Wikipedia: Cemita MexicoThere are several kinds of cemitas in…

Senate Bean Soup

Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: Common beanWhite beansThe small, white navy bean, also called pea bean or haricot, is particularly popular in Britain and the US, featured in such dishes as…

Senegalese Soup

"Senegalese soup" has been served at New York's "21" Club for many years, but the origin of the soup and its name are unclear. Senegalese soup has been called "cold…

Senior Citizen

"Senior Citizen" was essentially coined in California in the late 1930s. The pensions for "senior citizens" became a political issue on the west coast in 1937 and 1938.…

Senior Slump

The "senior slump" is the time near the end of the academic period for a high school or college senior where the student's academic interest often lags. The high school senior might…


"Senioritis" (senior + -itis) is a jocular "disease" that affects many high school and college seniors. The "disease" causes the senior student to use less effort in…

Sesame Seed Bun (hamburger bun)

The term "hamburger bun" has been cited in print since at least 1902. Seeded bread has long been popular, and seeded hamburger buns add to the flavor and texture. "HAMBURGER Served…

Setters (Pace University teams)

Pace University has a campus on the Manhattan side of the Brooklyn Bridge, although the athletic teams are mostly from Pace's Westchester campus. The team nickname is the Pace Setters. Too bad…

Seven O’Clockers

"Seven o'clockers" were those people (about 200) who lived in Philadelphia and wrote the 7 a.m. Reading Railroad train to Penn Station in New York. Then, at 5 p.m., they'd take…