Sept-taper or Septaper (September + taper)

The stock market had all eyes on the Federal Reserve in 2013, speculating when its quantitative easing program—involving as much as $85 billion a month—would lessen or “taper.” The Fed gave hints that this would happen in the fall, and many analysts pinned this to September.
“Been in Sept taper camp for a while and I’d stick with that” was a Twitter message on June 17, 2013. “Barclays calls for tapering in the early autumn: ‘Septaper’” was on Twitter on June 19, 2003. Michael Gapen, Director of US Economic Research and Global Asset Allocation at Barclays, is credited with “Septaper.” “SeptTaper” was on Twitter on August 2. 2013.
A similar term for the following month is “Octaper” (October + taper).
Binyamin Appelbaum
RT @RobinBHarding: Glad pp are reading my Fed preview. Been in Sept taper camp for a while and I’d stick with that.
12:43 PM - 17 Jun 13
James Mackintosh
Barclays calls for tapering in the early autumn: “Septaper”. Groan.
3:44 PM - 19 Jun 13
The Irish Times
21 Jun 2013 Business
The Lexicon Septaper (sorry)
With one almighty groan arrives another portmanteau into the lives of economy-watchers. Septaper, according to Barclays, is the tapering off of quantitative easing (QE) by the Federal Reserve, which it envisages might happen in the month of September – although frankly “Octaper” would have worked just as well as a word (which is to say, not very well at all).
Fear the Septaper
By Pedro da Costa
July 5, 2013
Credit to Barclays economists for coining the term ‘Septaper’
Aurelie Boris‏
#SeptTaper / Fed’s Bullard: More data needed before #tapering of bond buys can begin  via @MarketWatch
9:50 AM - 2 Aug 13
‘Septaper’ buzzes up the charts
Tom Bemis
August 7, 2013, 11:09 AM
Search for “Septaper” on Google and you’ll get more than 17,000 references.

That’s pretty buzzy for a made-up economic term, albeit one that pretty accurately describes the hopes and fears of millions of market participants.
The term started popping up in May as the Fed began to signal an end to its asset-purchase program. Reuters’ Pedro da Costa credited Barclays economists for coming up with the term.
Zero Hedge
‘Sept-Taper’ Odds Soar
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/11/2013 20:48 -0400
Just over a week ago, the probability of a September ‘Taper’ were a mere 14% with the majority of the ‘smart’ money betting on a ‘December 2013 at the earliest’ start to the Fed’s removal of the punchbowl. September 2013 is now the front-runner at a 36% probability, based on PaddyPower’s latest odds.
Mortgage News Daily
MBS RECAP: When Will Sept-Taper be Priced-in?
Aug 19 2013, 5:07PM
Bond markets continued free-falling today, ostensibly searching for the theoretical point at which a September 18th reduction in the Fed’s asset purchases will be fully priced in.
Courier-Journal (Louisville, KY)
Curtain rises on Wall Street’s “Taper Tantrum 2”
Aug. 21, 2013 9:26 PM
And while the Fed didn’t say it would start reducing its bond purchases at its September meeting like many on Wall Street expect, investors still reacted negatively to the thought that the Fed is getting closer and closer to taking away the so-called punch bowl. “The July minutes remain consistent with ‘Septaper,’” says Michael Gapen, an economist at Barclays.