
Stress Test

Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: Cardiac stress testA cardiac stress test is a medical test that indirectly reflects arterial blood flow to the heart during physical exercise. When compared to…

Stresspresso (stress + espresso)

"Good morning, I'll take a large iced fuckoffee with a shot of stresspress" is a coffee saying that has been printed on many images. "Fuckoffee" (fuck off + coffee) is a…

Strike City

New York City was called "Strike City, U.S.A." in October 1968 because of so many municipal strikes. The nickname "Strike City was influenced by Mayor John Lindsay's "Fun…

Strip Tease

New York City has a Museum of Sex. Not only did we give the world the "hooker," but we also started "strip tease." "Strip tease" grew out of burlesque, about…

Striped Bass a la Manhattan

"Striped Bass a la Manhattan" was served at Delmonico's in the 1800s and appeared in several cookbooks. Charles Ranhofer's The Epicurean (1894) detailed many of Delmonico's…

Stroller Nazi; Stroller Mafia

Child strollers can take up a large portion of the sidewalk. A "stroller Nazi" describes a person (usually a mother) who aggressively drives a stroller down the sidewalk, forcing other…


Entry in progress -- B.P. Italian foods similar and often confused with the stromboli include the calzone, hippie roll/eppie roll and panzarotti/panzerotti. Wikipedia: Stromboli (food)Stromboli is…

Stronghorns (Longhorns + Charlie Strong)

Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: Charlie StrongCharles R. Strong (born August 2, 1960) is currently an American football head coach for the University of Texas Longhorns. Strong is a graduate…

Strudel (State Pastry)

Germans have given much to Texas, and the strudel pastry is one such food. In 2003, the Texas legislature declared the strudel and the sopaipilla to both be official state pastries (with the law…

Struggle Sandwich

A "struggle sandwich" is a sandwich on a low budget. It might be two slices of bread with a condiment in the middle, or with ice cubes in the middle. The term appears to have originated…


The character Larry "the Liquidator" Garfinkle in the 1989 Jerry Sterner play Other People's Money used the term "stuckholders" to refer to "stockholders." People…