
“Guacamole is just avocado salsa”

Guacamole contains avocados; avocado salsa contains avocados. Guacamole is not the same as avocado salsa -- salsa is usually hotter -- but many people believe that they are the same. "Or make…

“Guacamole is just Mexican pesto”

Pesto is often compared to guacamole. Both are green. although the ingredients are very different. "Pesto- the italian guacamole" was posted on Twitter by Wear A Damn MasKiki on December…

“Guacamole is Mexican hummus”

Guacamole (an avocado-based dip/spread) is often compared to hummus (a chickpea-based dip/spread). "'Guacamole is like the hummus of Mexicans.' - @MonstroCafe…