“Guards win games, but forwards win championships” (basketball adage)

“Guards win games” is an adage used in both college and NBA basketball. Guards control the ball and the tempo of the game and could help a team win the collegiate championship. “Great guards win games. If you look at the Final Four teams, look at those guards” was cited in print in 1991.
In the NBA, good forwards are also needed. “Remember the old basketball maxim that guards win games, but forwards win championships” was cited in print in 1993. It’s not known who first came up with the basketball adage.
29 March 1991, Rockford (IL) Register Star, “NIU guard honored” by David French, pg. 2D, col. 5:
“Donald was our rhythm man,” said NIU assistant coach Bob Judson. “He set the tempo on both ends of the floor. He got people involved. Great guards win games. If you look at the Final Four teams, look at those guards.”
Seattle (WA) Times
Tuesday, April 20, 1993 - Page updated at 12:00 AM
Payton Gives Spurs A Boot—Active Play Helps Seattle Drop Bigger San Antonio
By Glenn Nelson
At last check, McMillan, Payton and Pierce were guards (though McMillan is masquerading as a small forward). Which is fine for nights like last night, and most other nights over the grind of an 82-game season. But remember the old basketball maxim that guards win games, but forwards win championships.
Google Books
Intimate Journalism:
The Art and Craft of Reporting Everyday Life

Edited by Walt Harrington
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications
Pg. 126:
“There’s an old saying: ‘Guards win games, but forwards win championships.’ We’ll have to see.”
Google Groups: rec.sport.basketball.pro
I-say-a jordan rules thomas DOES need to be fired
Andrew Ryan Chang
isiah thomas
When Thomas said that “guards win games”, I thought: wouldn’t it be an absolute dream to have both Thomas and Walton announcing at the same time?
Houston (TX) Chronicle
Want to win a college title? Find a big-play guard
Short and sweet
It’s often the smallest players who come up big

MICHAEL MURPHY | March 9, 2003
Indeed, it is the elemental truth in college basketball today—guards win games. They control the ball. They make the big plays. And it seems as if they win all the awards.
The Chicago Way
March 17, 2010
By Wendell Barnhouse | .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
“This time of year, it’s the team that can exert its will on the other that’s gonna win,” (Kansas State junior guard Jacob—ed.) Pullen said. “Good guards win games in March.”
Sports Illustrated
Originally Posted: March 22, 2010
Going Concerns
UTEP’s Tony Barbee and Georgia Tech’s Paul Hewitt appear to be on the outs—but for different reasons

“My philosophy, which comes from Coach Calipari, is wrapped around one word: pressure,” Barbee says. “We are going to come at you for 40 minutes. And I think our team is built to succeed in the tournament. Guards win games in the tournament and big men win championships. We’ve got both. I do know I wouldn’t want to play us.”
Predicting the Final Four: Hurricane Season
By Mike Auriemma Tuesday March 19th, 2013 9:00 am EDT
The cliche is guards win games come tournament time. Historically speaking, you’re only as good as the guys handling the ball when you get to March.
Michael Matsias Guards win games forwards win championships. I honestly think the defence is better now. Lebron would be able to defend jordan better than jordan would lebron
June 10, 2013 at 9:18pm

Trail Blazers GM Neil Olshey: ‘Guards win games’
Trail Blazers general manager Neil Olshey talks about Portland’s roster (currently at 16), the addition of free agent guard Mo Williams, and the offensive potential this upcoming season.
PUBLISHED: August 08, 2013