Slutgers (Rutgers University nickname)
"Slutgers" (slut + Rutgers) is an unflattering nickname for Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. "Slutgers" was posted on the newsgroup on November 25,…
"Slutgers" (slut + Rutgers) is an unflattering nickname for Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. "Slutgers" was posted on the newsgroup on November 25,…
The first-ever "Small Business Saturday" occurred on November 27, 2010 -- sandwiched between the post-Thanksgiving shopping days of "Black Friday' and "Cyber Monday."…
In the late 1990s, Chatham (MA) issued this bumper sticker slogan: "Chatham, a quaint drinking village with a fishing problem." The slogan has been used for United States coastal cities…
"Small Town Charm, World Class Culture" is the 2008-issued slogan of the city of Orange, Texas. It is not known if "the Big Orange" was considered. Wikipedia: Orange,…
"Small Town, Big Lake, Great People" is the motto of the city of Mathis (near Corpus Christi). The "big lake" (21,000 acres) is Lake Corpus Christi, formerly called Lake Mathis.…
New York City is the most populous city in New York State, but Albany is the capital city. Some New Yorkers (including some from Albany) have called the capital city "Smallbany" or…
Gerald Cohen did research on the New York City origins of "smart alec." A piece on "smart alec" appeared in a New York Times "F.Y.I." column in 2002. Gerald Cohen…
HAPILABS introduced the HAPIfork -- dubbed a "smart fork" -- at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas in January 2013. The fork keeps track of eating habits and vibrates and lights…
"Smart money" -- money that sophisticated, high-rolling people spend -- is a term that has been used in horseracing since at least 1893. The term "smart money" has also been…
"Sometimes I make words up to sound more smartaculous" is a jocular saying that has been printed on many images. "Smartaculous" is a portmanteau from the words "smart"…
SMASH (Salmon-Mackerel-Anchovies-Sardines-Herring or Sardines-Mackerel-Anchovies-Salmon-Herring) is an acronym for fatty fish high in Omega-3. The acronym has been used since at least 1996. Google…
"Smashed potatoes" was, originally, another way of saying "mashed potatoes." The term "smashed potatoes" has been cited in print since at least 1859. The books Maine…
"Smashed Saturday" is a drinking slang name for a day of the week. Alcoholic drinks are sold on this day, often at a reduced price. “Smashed Saturday” has been cited in print since at…
Smiling faces have existed for a very long time, but who invented the "smiley"? In 1962-63, WMCA's 'Good Guys" radio station had a logo of a "smiley" -- a…
The Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum in Canyon, Texas, was called "the Smithsonian of Texas" by its director, Guy C. Vanderpool, in the November 2007 Texas Highways. The PPHM is the…
"Smoasting" (social media boasting) was coined by T-Mobile in June 2012. People travel, then take photos and boast about it. "Smoaster" was cited in a Daily Mail (UK) article on…
"Smoke-eaters" are firefighters, also known as New York's "Bravest." "Smoke-chewer" isn't used today, but the 1884 citation below is interesting.…
Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: Smoke-filled roomIn U.S. political slang, a smoke-filled room is a secret political gathering or decision-making process. The phrase is generally used to…
"Smoke-vide" (smoke + sous-vide) is a seemingly unlikely combination of cooking styles. The award-winning IQUE barbecue team of Andy Husbands -- also the chef/owner of Tremont 647 (647…
A "speakeasy" was a place where alcoholic drinks were illegally sold. The term "speakeasy" means that customers should inquire secretly about the illegal product;…