Smart Fork

HAPILABS introduced the HAPIfork—dubbed a “smart fork”—at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas in January 2013. The fork keeps track of eating habits and vibrates and lights up to warn a user that he or she is eating too quickly.
HAPILABS is a company aimed at helping individuals in the 21st century take control of their HAPIness, health and fitness through applications and mobile connected devices.
HAPILABS products include HAPIfork, a connected fork that helps you eat at the right time and right pace, HAPIwatch, which helps you sleep better and HAPItrack, to help you stay in great shape.
HAPILABS is based out of Hong Kong with offices in the Philippines, Indonesia, France and the U.S. The CEO of HAPILABS is Fabrice Boutain and the U.S. President is Andrew Carton, who is based in southern Florida.
Smart Health: The HAPI Fork keeps track of how fast you eat
By Thomas Newton on Thursday, 3rd January 2013
We’ve written at length about the ‘Internet of Things’ in the past with particular emphasis one the emerging Smart Home and the Smart Kitchen, but the HAPI Fork - a smart fork - literally takes the cake.
Designed as a health aid to stop people from overeating or eating too quickly, the HAPI Fork keeps a track of your scoffing habits. If the HAPI Fork notices that you’re putting it away too quickly it’ll emit a gentle vibration as a warning to slow down.
The Sun (UK)
The smart fork which tells you off if you eat too much
By DANIEL JONES, Consumer Editor
From the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas
Published: 07th January 2013
A GADGET designer whose wife told him off for eating his food too fast has come up with the world’s first “smart fork” - that tells you off if you eat too much.
Jacques Lepine’s HAPIfork has cured his fast eating - and will now go on sale in April marketed as a way to tackle weight gain.
Described as “intelligent cutlery”, the fork features a sensor that knows when you use it to pick up food, when you put it in your mouth, and then when you return it to your plate.
Anyone stuffing too much food in their mouth is told off - the fork vibrates and lights up on the handle.
CES: The latest weight-loss tool? A fork
January 7, 2013, 12:21 PM
By Kelli B. Grant
Weight-loss pitches come fast and furious this time of year: diet meal delivery plans, gym memberships, even high-tech scales. Now, there are smart utensils that monitor how fast you eat.
The $99 HAPIfork, available this spring, uses sensors to monitor its movement from plate to mouth. It tracks the number of forkfuls per meal and per minute, and it times the interval between each. The fork lights up and vibrates when the diner eats too fast — that is, if there are fewer than 10 seconds between forkfuls. With the smart fork, “you will greatly improve your digestion, and you’ll likely start losing weight,” says a company spokesman. (Presumably, any weight loss is from eating less and slowly, not from food that vibrates off the fork and onto the floor. The HAPIfork vibration is similar to the buzz of a vibrating cell phone.)