Manhattan of the Middle East (Abu Dhabi and Dubai nickname)

Wally World (Walmart nickname)

Walmart is a chain retail store that was founded by Sam Walton in 1962. "Wally World" was the name of the fictional amusement park in the comedy film National Lampoon's Vacation…


Walmart is a retail chain of large discount department stores. "Walmartization" can mean the coming of a Walmart store to a geographical area. "Walmartization," however, is most…

Walmartyr (Walmart + martyr)

The portmanteau word "Walmartyr" or 'Wal-Martyr" (Walmart + martyr) has had more than one meaning. Walmart (or Wal-Mart) is a chain of retail stores. The Urban Dictionary…

Warm Crap in a Bag (Frito Pie nickname)

Frito pie is made with Fritos corn chip and chili; cheese, onions and tomatoes are often added. In New Mexico, Frito pie is served right in the Fritos bag. Anthony Bourdain, host of CNN's…

Washeteria (Washateria; Washiteria)

The "washeteria" (wash + cafeteria) is often spelled ""washateria" or even "washiteria" (with the dirty word in the middle). The washeteria is popular in the…