Warvangelical (war + evangelical)

“Warvangelical” (war + evangelical) has been used by Laurence M. Vance on LewRockwell.com (a libertarian website) since July 25, 2007. The term “warvangelical” describes pro-war Christian groups or people.
‘Warvangelical” appeared in the headlines on several websites in January 2012.
LewRockwell.com Blog
re: Andrew Sullivan’s Coinage
Posted by Laurence Vance on July 25, 2007 12:12 PM
Gentlemen, the correct term is certainly either “warvangelicals” or “bombvangelicals.”
August 13, 2007
What Happened to the Southern Baptists?
by Laurence M. Vance
The letter was also signed by other warvangelical, Republican Party operatives like Chuck Colson, Bill Bright, and D. James Kennedy.
August 6, 2011
Nuke ’Em and God Will Bless You
by Laurence M. Vance
Many armchair Christian warriors, Christian Coalition moralists, Religious Right warvangelicals, Reich-wing Christian nationalists, theocon Values Voters, imperial Christians, Red-State Christian fascists, and God and country Christian bumpkins might object, not to the existence of a Nuclear Ethics and Nuclear Warfare session that appeals to Scripture to soothe the consciences of religious people, but to the cancellation of such a program because it “takes God out of government” and other nonsense. David French, senior counsel at the American Center for Law and Justice, dismissed complaints about the program as what he called “another attempt to cleanse American history of its religious realities.” “It’s about cleansing religion from the public square and building a completely secular society and military,” added French.
Battlefield USA
Jan 18, 2012
God is judging America, not because we are turning our backs on Israel, but because we are a decadent, insolent, greedy, blood-thirsty nation that winks at the shedding of innocent blood in the womb, while we “high-five” the killing of innocent children in other parts of the world. We have rejected God. Our works are “continuously evil in His sight” and our hands are stained with innocent blood.
By Coach Dave Daubenmire
January 19, 2012
I want you to know right up front that I am not a pacifist.
I believe in a strong military, and that national defense is one of the Constitutional responsibilities of our government. When a “terrorist” blows up a group of people He should be swiftly put to death.
I believe in a strong national defense and that our obligation is to America first.
But I do not believe in continuous wars, especially the politically-correct ones.
Snippits and Snappits
Wednesday, 25 January, 2012
By Kenny
The term ‘Warvangelical’ is a fairly new one.  Not yet in the dictionary and not yet overused, it does define a certain segment of our population. Not exactly a small one either. It doesn’t even have to be used in a derogatory manner. It’s basically just a matter of fact and not a new one at that.
LewRockwell.com Blog
The Jesus of the Warvangelicals
Posted by Laurence Vance on January 27, 2012 07:28 PM
“Peter. put away your sword…”
“we have Predator drones for that.”