Archive for 11/2020

Water Crouton (ice cube)

Ice cubes have sometimes been jocularly called "water croutons." "If you think about it, ice cubes are pretty much just water croutons for your drink. #amirite?" was posted on…

“Water is just ice juice”

Some people jocularly refer to water as "ice juice." "Overheard at the lunch table from my 5 year old: 'Water is melted ice juice'" was posted on Twitter by Jamie on…

“Sugar is just gay salt”

Sugar has often been compared to salt. Both are white, but sugar is “sweeter,” while salt is “salty.” "Sugar is just gay salt" is a saying that has been printed on many images.…

“Cheese is just a loaf of milk”

Cheese (except for vegan cheese) is usually derived from milk. "THE WORD 'CHEESE' IS CANCELLED everyone must now call it a loaf of milk" Was posted on Facebook by Callum…