Archive for 05/2019

“I relish pickles”

"Relish" is a pickled sauce, and it also means to eat with pleasure. "I relish pickles" was posted on Twitter by Jessa Sparks on March 26, 2010, and on Reddit -- Oneliners on…

“Seis de Mayo sucks ass”

"Seis de Mayo sucks ass"" (or simply "Happy Seis de Mayo") is a jocular saying about the day after Cinco de Mayo (May 5th) that has been printed on many images.…

“Dreams taste like cotton candy”

"Dreams taste like cotton candy" is a saying that has been printed on many images. "My dreams taste like cotton candy" was posted on Twitter by Jason Krumbine on April 17, 2009.…

“Fiesta. Siesta. Repeat”

"Fiesta. Siesta. Repeat" (or "Tequila. Fiesta. Siesta. Repeat" or "Fiesta. Siesta.Tequila. Repeat") is a saying that has been printed on many images. "San…

“Holy pepperoni!”

"Holy pepperoni!" is an expression of surprise or astonishment that has been cited in print since at least 1966. "Holy Pepperoni!" is also a variety of Screamin' Sicilian…