“Why are so few murders solved in the South?”/“No dental records and all the DNA matches.”

“OT: Bad southerner joke” was posted on the newsgroup alt.sports.football.pro.dallas-cowboys on November 26, 2003:
Q: Why are so few murders solved in the south
A: No dental records and all the DNA matches…...

The “redneck” or “hillbilly” joke has been printed on many images.
Google Groups: alt.sports.football.pro.dallas-cowboys
OT: Bad southerner joke
Dave Wallen
Why are so few murders solved in the south
No dental records and all the DNA matches…...
Google Groups: alt.books.deryni
Good Ol’ Boys At Court.
Jerry Maher
You know why it is so hard to identify a corpse in a redneck community?
The DNA matches everyone and there are no dental records.
Tony Maro
Replying to @superamit
@superamit You hear about the murder in West Virginia they can’t solve?  CSI says all the DNA matches and there’s no dental records!
11:05 PM - 13 Apr 2008
Fwd:Why do the police hate hillbilly murder cases? Because there are no dental records and all the DNA matches.
3:39 PM - 17 Apr 2008
Aaron Nye
From my brother: Why do police hate redneck / hillbilly murder cases?  No dental records and all the DNA matches.
5:31 PM - 16 Jan 2009
Posted by u/planetjumper December 8, 2014
Why are redneck murders the hardest to solve?
All the DNA matches and there’s no dental records.
Edit: made it to the hot page, my dad would be so proud, if only he knew who i was
Posted by u/Cheesepolo May 15, 2016
Why are redneck murders so hard to solve?
There’s no dental records and all the DNA matches
Posted by u/Kozmikfrequency October 8, 2016
Why are redneck murder cases the hardest to solve?
Because all the DNA matches and there are no dental records.
Posted by u/gimmedatjuice December 8, 2017
Why are redneck murders so hard to solve?
Because all the DNA matches and there’s no dental records.
Posted by u/hz1234 May 1, 2019
Why are redneck murders so hard to solve?
All the DNA matches and there are no dental records.